Chapter 5- Break in

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I'm Back :)  ~Baylie

~Alex's P.O.V~

"What the fuck is this?!" I yelled in shock. "Andy help me look through the house, see if anything is missing"

"Okay I'll check down stairs." He said

"Alright." I said, running up stairs.

I checked every room, looking in every droor, cabinet, closet, to see if anything was gone. Everything was still there, just thrown out of place. Thank god. I ran back down stairs to see if Andy was looking too.

"Everything is still here" He said walking over and hugging me. "Let's clean up alright"

"Okay, I'll be upstairs"


This is going to a pain in the ass to clean. There is stuff....everywhere. Well, this should be fun.

It took about six full hours to get the whole house all clean and back in order. I don't think I have ever cleaned this much in one day in my life.

"Do you want food?" Andy yelled from the kitchen.

"Please" I yelled back

"What do you think that was all about?" Andy asked

"I have no idea, but I'm going to find out."


"I don't know, but I will"

"Alright, I'm going to invite the rest of the band over. Is that fine with you?" He asked

"Yeah, go ahead."

The guys got to the house and we all just sat around being lazy and eating like fat perople. Ah relaxation. Tomorrow I'm going around to all the neighbors to see if anyone saw someone at the house. I am determined to find out who did this.

"Andy I'm going to bed." I said walking upstairs.

"Goodnight Alex, I'll be up soon"


I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. This is much needed sleep.


I woke up to find Andy asleep half way off the bed. Good job Andy, good job. I got out of bed and went to the closet and got dressed; then went to the bathroom and did my makeup then flat ironed my hair and teased it up a bit. I went down stairs to make breakfast. I think eggs sound good. Not too long after I started cooking the eggs I heard Andy come down stairs.

"Do I get any?" He almost whined.

"Yes Andy, you can have some."

"Yay!" He said throwing his hands in the air like a child would.

We sat down and ate and talked a little. I told him that I was going to go around to all of the neighbors to see if they saw anything while we were gone.

"I'll help." He said "I'll take one side of the street and you take the other, to make it easier."

"Alright, sounds good. When do you want to go?" I said putting our plates in the sink.

"Right now, I would like to get this over with."

"Okay, let's go"

We walked out the door and we walked to the neighbors on either side of our house. I told the lady that we had been gone 'cause Andy was on tour and I asked if she had seen anyone at the house lately.

"Just the other day when I was walking out to my car, an older man parked in front of your house and went inside."

"What did he look like?" I asked

"He was older, tall, kind of chubby, not very put together." The lady said

"Do you know what color his hair was?"

"It was dark brown but going grey"

"Oh my god..."

"What?" The lady said confused

"You just gave me a perfect description of my dad...I have to go. Thank you."

"No problem" She said closing the door

I ran to get Andy so I could tell him I knew who it was.

"Andy, come here!" I yelled

"Yeah?" He said walking over

"I think I know who it was"

"Well who was it?"

"I think it was my dad..."

"What?" He said in disbelief

"I'm going to try calling him, let's go inside"

We went inside and I called my dad multiple times. No answer. Well...looks like I'm calling the police..

"911 what's your emergency?" The cop on the other line said.

"My house was broken into and I know who did it." I said

"Can you tell me who it was?"

"It was my dad. He isn't answering my calls. If I give you his adress could you send someone out there?"

"Yes, what's his adress?"

I gave her his adress and hung up. Cops are being sent to his house right now. Thank god.

The cops came by my house with my dad in the back seat.

"We found your dad, he was at his house with a gun but we got him and he is going to be in jail for quite a while"

"Thank you so much. He deserves to be in jail after everything he's done to me."

"Yes, well have a nice day" The cop said

"You too." I said closing the door

"They have my dad, he's going to jail" I said smiling

"Good, jail is where he belongs."

"Yeah, I know"

We were sitting on the couch watching tv when the phone rang.

"I got it." I said.

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"I am going to get out of here and I am going to find and kill you Alexandra." The man said into the phone....It was my dad

"You're not going to get out, and youre not going to kill me"

"Don't doubt me Alexandra" He said. And with that he hung up.

"What was that? Andy said.

"My dad just threatened to kill me...."

Oh dang! He threatened to kill her! What do you think will happen? Tell me what you though of this chapter in a comment :)


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