Chapter 7 - Bed Rest

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~Alex's POV~

I woke up in my own bed, Andy must have carried me upstairs after I fell asleep on the couch. I decided I was too lazy to get out of bed so I just rolled over and stared at Andy. Gah, he's so adorable when he's sleeping. I mean... I don't watch him when he sleeps. Oh who am I kidding, of course I do, it's adorable.

Eventually Andy wakes up, I'm just sitting in bed staring off into space when he says "I have to go on tour"

"What?" I say

"Don't worry, it's a short tour, only about a month long. We're just going to a couple of cities that we were supposed to, but weren't able to make it to on out last tour."

"Alright..." I say, kind of sad that he's going to be leaving again.

"But there's some good news." Andy says with a small smile.

"Well tell me!"

"You can come too, but we have to share a bunk."

"You say that like its a bad thing!" I say hugging him. "So when do we leave?"


"Tonight?" I say in disbelief

"Yes, tonight. So I suggest you start packing."

"Fiiiiine." I groan, not really wanting to pack a whole months worth of clothes.

~Later that day~

"Let's gooo the bus is waiting!" Andy yells from the front door

"I'm coming I'm coming!" I say running past him with two suitcases full of clothes and other things I might need.

I throw all my stuff onto Andy's bunk and walk back out to where all the guys are sitting. Andy's sitting in the far corner of one of the couches so I lay down and rest my head on his chest. I hear him telling me that it won't take long to get to the first venue since its only a few towns away. Pretty soon I find my self falling asleep feeling warm and safe in Andy's arms.

I wake up to find someone violently shaking me yelling to get up. I open my eyes to see Ashley leaning over me. So I punched him in the arm for disturbing my sleep.

"Ow! What was that for!" Ashley says, holding his arm where I hit him.

"You disturbed my sleep. Anyone who disturbs my sleep should be prepared to be punched." I say very matter of factly.

"Well I know not to mess with you when you're the first person to fall asleep..." He says slowly side-stepping away from me.

While I'm sitting there on the couch I watch all the guys rushing to get ready for their first show. I'm just reading a magazine I found, minding my own business when from the other room I hear:



Ashley- Are you sure?

Andy- Ashley do you ever wear a shirt?

Ashley- Well no..but..


Oh Ashley. You will be you. But seriously though...does that man ever wear a shirt?

~1 hour later~

The shows about to begin and I can hear Black Veil Brides being called to the stage, then I hear Andy shout into the mic "ARE YOU GUYS FUCKING READY TO ROCK" I smile at the immense amount of energy he has on stage. I can hear Andy singing and I'm watching him move about the stage when he leaves my sight for a while. I could still hear him singing until I heard a big thud and the crowd gasped. Oh god...what did he do. I walk up to,the side of the stage to see him laying on the ground, flat on his back, not moving. I look up and see that he seems to have tried to jump of a 13 foot platform. Oh Andy. What am I going to do with you.

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