Reaper's son is Born

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Hey everyone here is the remastered version of Naruto Senju of the Hidden Leaf. Hope you all enjoy the new version. Dont worry i wont delete the old version so no worries about that. Now on with the story.

It was a quite, peaceful night as the people of Konoha went about their usual buisness. Without a care in the world, people were chatting, eating out, doing buisness, staying out late, the usual stuff. It was a night of much activity. Children were laughing as they raced down the streets, couples enjoying romantic evenings, elders resting in the parks, everyone was having the time of their lives.

"Ahhhhh this hurts so bad" a woman screamed from the distance.

Well almost everyone. Deep in the village sector in a hidden area in the forest.In a cave guarded by the elite ANBU laid a woman of 23 with long red hair and violet eyes strapped to a large table with her husband Minato Namikaze standing close with his hands upon her belly. Reason being to keep the seal on her naval from breaking since child birth is the achillies heel for female jinchuuriki, allowing the tailed beast to escape.

Kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze aka the Crimson death the most feared kunoichi second to Tsunade herself was gripping the sides of the table as the nurses tended to her.

"Ahhhhh Minato when this is all over I'm going to make sure you never touch me again" Kushina screamed while pushing. "You'll be sleeping on the couch for the next century!"

Minato sweat dropped, becoming a little scared. Well who wouldn't be if your pregnant wife was one of the most dangerous women in the country. The nurses told Kushina she was doing great and that she could see the head.

"That's it Kushina just a little more" said Biwako Sarutobi.

"Hurry up kids and get out of your mother soon, i dont know how much longer i can hold the kyuubi in." Minato shouted with panic in his voice. 

A loud wail was heard as a healthy baby boy was born. He was the spitting image of his father in every detail except he had his mother's red hair. Another wail soon followed as their second child, a baby girl was born. She unlike her brother had Minato's hair but looked more like her mother.

"Congrats my dear you have healthy twins" Biwako chuckled.

"I can't believe that I'm finally a father." Minato sniffled wiping his tears away before reaching out only to have his hands slapped away by Biwako.

"uh uh mother's always see the child first." Biwako scolded him like a child. 

Minato let out a small groan mumbling "not fair" under his breath.

"Oooh Minato quit your crying and come meet your children." Kushina said jokingly.

"They are beautiful Kushi chan" he smiled gazing at them. "What shall we call them?"

"I was thinking Menma for the boy and Mito for the girl." Kushina smiled.

"Menma and Mito it is" Minato said proudly.

Outer Forests of the Hidden Leaf: Domain of the Wolves

Deep in the heart of the forest another woman was giving birth. She was a image of raw beauty as if forged by the gods themselves. She had dark blue eyes and short, straight earthly brown hair with bangs slightly parted in the middle. Her skin was absolutely flawless some even say you could see it glisten in the sun or moonlight. Her beautiful face was decorated with amaranth red war paint. Around her neck was a necklace with three fangs tied. She also wore long, dangling, oval shaped earrings. She was guarding by two strong male wolves that stood protectively around her. 

This woman was San Mononoke, the princess of beasts and gods, the high priestess of the divine sisters, the wolf princess, and wolf sage. A woman who braved through many challenges in her life since childhood, when she was abandoned by her parents, who she later discovered in life were Suki Senju, the granddaughter of Tobirama Senju and Okami Inuzuka, the cousin of Tsume Inuzuka. But now here she was, blessed with a precious gift from the death goddess herself. She was blessed with a beautiful baby boy as Shinigami had divinely inseminated her 9 months earlier. Why would she do that? Simple they were lovers for a quite a while.

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