Chapter 4~Revenge is Tasty

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I decided to take him out. No one hurts my bestfriend. Even if she has done me wrong, at least she was here for me. My friends come before anything. Anything. So you know what sounds pretty good? Revenge. And the fact is in good at it. In 2nd grade, this kid tripped me going out to recess and I cried and had to go to the office because I busted my nose. Well 2 days later, we went out to recess and while he was one the swing I said "Hey no hard feelings about what happened" I had a rose for him, and he grabbed it real hard (1st mistake) and then with open toed shoes stepped on it (second mistake) and before you knew it, he was bleeding more than I was before! It was like a waterfall coming out of his hand and foot. I was sent home. Things just work out for me, well most of the time. In 5th grade when my teacher gave detention for asking someone to pick up my pen who was closest to it, I was more smarter then, very. I was clever as well. The teacher (Mrs.Chiggens) walked in for home room that day, and I was ready. Everything she said that day I had recorded. All I had to to was edit the footage and the principal would never know. After I finished editing, it sounded like this "These white kids talk to much, they need some tape over their mouths". Obviously 1 racist comment, obvious number 2, threatening us. She was fired and her degree was taken away, and yet I feel no guilt from it. She was the cause, and I had the effect.
I contacted Macy. Checking in on how she felt. She was upset, but her desires were filled with revenge. Tasty revenge. And that was good. I asked her if we should meet up tomorrow to discuss how we would get back at Chad. She felt like she wanted to explode when I said his name. We decided to meet up right after school, then we'd go to the mall to plan. The mall has the tastiest food I have ever tasted. It's also got a Starbucks (which we girls die for). It also helps us with good plans. I go to school, and me and Macy meet around the corner of the school. We walk silently to the mall for no reason. Once we made it, the others were there. This was good, all of us teaming up and planning. We go to the food court and get food and matching Grande Double Chocolate chip frappes (best frappe so far) and gallantly sat down in the table. We plan to strike at first period when Chad was in my homeroom, and the teacher wasn't there. The janitor always leaves the door open a little because he has a little crush on our teacher. We 4 shall slip in and set up a bucket over the doorway filled with used cat litter, pancake batter, sweaty socks, and paint for consistency. Jenny will figure up the degrees and angles the bucket needs to be set up for it to fall just right. After we planned we went shopping, except we didn't talk after that? It was weird.
I got home and dad ordered take out from a Chinese place down the street (thank god). Like I said he was a horrible cook. The boys never liked Chinese, so it was all mine basically. I went to my room and texted Macy. She never replied but read it. It was weird. Had I said something I shouldn't have? So then I text the others. Same as Macy. What did I do? I wonder as I eat my Chinese. Then when I got back to my room I decided to create a group chat. When I did I said hey guys, and everyone said hey or hello. But that was it. Then I said yall bitches better answer me and never replied. I added laughing emojis to make it not serious. I hope they didn't take it serious. Because then it would be horrible. Then I apologized and said are we still on for tomorrow and they said yes and meet really early around 6:30. As I went to bed I thought of my mom. How nice it would be if she was here. I really miss her, I really do. I wish she could help me with all this girl drama & issues than dad thinking signing me up for therapy would work. But no, it doesn't. I miss mom so much.
I had gotten home from school. I was only 7 years old and living my life. As I walked in from the bus dropping me off, dad was panicking and I was questioning why. I had try to ask him and he said that I needed to go to my room and he would call the babysitter immediately. My brothers were very young at the time, only about 1 year old. When the babysitter arrived, I asked her all these questions about what happened. And she looked up with little droplets of tears in her eyes. Sara was my moms favorite person in the world, and she would know if anything bad had happened, and she knew, my mom was hurt. I asked why but she wouldn't answer. That's when my brothers started crying and she went to calm them down. My mom was on a flight coming home to Pacifica, CA and had gotten a flight to San-Fransisco International Airport. That's when the phone went off, I knew how to answer it at the time, so I picked it up and I heard my mothers voice. The sweet calming voice of my mother, except she was in a panic. She said I love you so much, and I will miss you so dearly my baby Mae. She said something else and then I heard it, the screams and a boom and all I heard was darkness. I started crying and wondering what's going on. That's when Sara came running. That plane was United 93. The hijacked plane on 9/11. Our answering machine records our calls so we can play them back, and there it was the last time I ever heard my mother. The last time.

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