Chapter 5 ~ Revenge like Red-Velvet

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I wake up and it's time to go to school. I don't really enjoy school you know. I struggle in life as it is, and this just makes it worse. That's when I remember, it's the day of revenge against Chad, that's when I get excited. So maybe my day won't be as bad as I thought. I walk to school and wait for my friends at the stop where we usually do, but they never arrive. So I ditch that place and walk the rest alone. I never really payed attention to how beautiful it was on the way to school. How the cherry blossom trees bloomed and complimented the colors of the wild tulips that grew on the outer parts if the woods. Nature is such natural beauty and I don't know why I never noticed. I always had a thing for being outside though. Either playing with my friends or reading on the swing in my backyard. I could remember how happy we were when we were a full family, a family who had a mom...

When I arrive at school, it's dark but it's unlocked. All the doors unlock at 6:00 so the teachers can get in. As I walk down the hallway it is a creepy setting. It's dark and eerie. The sinks in the bathrooms leak like usual because everyone doesn't turn them off right. As I walk down the hall I see something unusual, 2 bookbags sit offset from my homeroom teachers room. The funny thing is 1. Thats not my friends book bag. 2. 1 is Chad's 3. WHAT THE CRAP IS HE DOING HERE?! I rush to the room to peek in. It is dark. So I slowly open the door basically shuffling my feet like the things surgeons use to create electrical pulses throughout the body. When I flip the switch to turn the lights on thats when it happened.... I was covered with a goo, not the one I was planning to dump on Chad, but almost as bad... It reeked of rotten fish Im pretty sure.

I scream hoping to get attention and yet here comes Chad and Brandon out of the classroom closet laughing like high-pitched hyena's . Oh yeah never have told you about Brandon have I? Brandon was a copy of Chad. Literally... Wore the same things, but not on same days. Chad says its "gay" and "embarrassing". He was a stuck up snob. Almost dated him until Chad stepped in and ruined everything. Long story that I am not getting into. But Chad changed him from a good person to bad. Just trust me. Anyway standing in a mess about to cry how smelly it is, he says with a low voice "I heard you were planning to do this to me... So I set you up. I came in here and threatened the girls to go back home because the principal would suspend them... What wimps and chumps." thats when I started giggling. He started questioning why my laugh continued to grow. And well I was wondering that to myself to. Then I realized I hadn't been set up, my friends were here... And they were gonna rescue me. That's when it clicked. "Lol Chad is that all you've got?" Said Macy in a monotonous tone. I have friends. Actual true friends. Chad got kicked, punched, and kneed in the balls, nothing is coming from there in awhile... So it's nice to have friends. Well 1...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2016 ⏰

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