Gossip, Gossip, and Gossip ~ Chapter 2

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*BEEP BEEP* My alarm goes off. I try to hit the snooze button but it's not there. Nothings there. The alarm gets louder. The sound is peircing to my ears to where I have to push my hands into my ears. Then they stare. People, in this world stare at me and there stands, my ex-boyfriend Chad. He holds a silver blade knife. And he says "Cut yourself, now", the others repeat in a mimicing way. I say no, I don't want to. So he come's forward and rolls one of my pants leg. He jabbs the knife into my thigh, deeper then I would do if I ever cut. He goes down my leg cutting it open where I'll most likely find my death. When he's done, I cry, I scream so loud to where it breaks the imaginary surroundings of the dream. I look around, it's 4:44 in the morning and my dad stands beside my bed along with my 3 brothers and they don't move. They stare.

I get up, my dad leads me too the livingroom and he tells my brothers to go upstairs. He wanders into the kitchen and gets some milk and puts cookies into the microwave. Not good for you, but hey, they taste great when they are warm and gooey. He brings them into the livingroom and he asks what happened. When I reached for a cookie, he hit my hand."NO!" he said, he told me that he wants me too explain everything about what happened in the dream. I explain, even about me and Chad breaking up and how many times we broke up (For your information, he thought Chad was a good boy and that we never broke up). When I finished he asked me to show him what happened on my phone. So I went upstairs, half asleep. When I reach my room, I hear giggling. I sigh under my breath, my brothers are in my room hiding. I say get out without raising my voice, I knew I'd get in trouble. They file out one by one. I reach for my phone and find myself down the stairs to my dad. He reads, and apologizes and gives me a "I love you sweetie hug" and I eat the cookies and go back to my bed. Next stop, waking up for the first day of school.

Well I bet no one goes through this. We fight for breakfast. Brothers are the food monsters of the history. Bacon. That's all I want and need. I bet you I fly down the stairs 60 miles per hour for bacon. I dump basically the whole plate on mine. Then all I hear is the 6 feet going down the stairs arguing. That's the usual because they're fighting for the eggs and orange juice. I bet dad has to go to the store about every day because of them.

I finish my breakfast and I head upstairs. It's 6:30 and I walk to school since the school is a block away from our neighborhood. So I start picking what I'm going to wear. I pick this coral pink sundress. Something that I picked out in 6th-Grade. I also grabbed my new pair of shoes. My dad buys me a new pair of shoes every year and these by far, are the best. They have a pinkish purple color with a floral design. They were expensive in a way. For me they were like $300 but really they were around $90. When it comes to money, it's not a problem. He won the lottery a few years ago. It was like 1.1 Million but gave some to charity. We moved into this up kept neighborhood, MeadowField. They were pretty expensive,but it was nothing compared to 1.1 Million. I was the odd-ball out of my friend group, they've been pampered forever, and here I am, babysitting my brothers.

I curled my ebony-streaked hair and left the house towards school. Me and my friends met up at the stop sign right outside the neighborhood and of course, Macy wasn't there. She probably didn't want me to call her out. When I reached the stop sign, they greeted me in a worried way. They were there last night, I knew that because of that picture posted on Instagram with Chad. Ugh, just thinking of him wanted me to bust someones head open like cracking open an egg. But I didn't, thank god. They didn't bring up anything about Chad and Macy, but we all talked about our summer and the funny moments that happened when we spent time together. Not one time did they even mention Macy and her summer. I was suspicious now, not about her and Chad being together, but some conflict in the group itself, excluding me knowing.

We walked into school, said our goodbyes and split up. My scheldule looked like this,

|Course Overview for: Mae Kennorch


|Miller, Nicki History Period 1|

|Schultz, Erika Calculus Period 2|

|Rillea, Kate Chemistry Period 3|

|Sylar, Nate English Period 4|


|Jaylen, Roger P.E. Period 5A|

|Whaler, Gina Orchestra Period 6A|

|Rainee, Jennifer Life Skills 3 Period 5A|

|Tang, Jin Chinese 2 Period 6B|

Finding out that having none of my classes with Macy & Alisha made me wanna cry, but not when my ex is in there too. I'm reaching homeroom and I had this teacher last year. Mrs.Miller is the sweetest and letting you play on your phone during homeroom teacher. I literally would die for Mrs. Miller. She's a great person. I get in there and sure enough, Macy isn't here, but also Chad isn't either something suspicious was going on. I was gonna find out sooner or later so.

Finding out your 6th period teacher is from literal hell is horrible. She spits everywhere Im pretty sure. For all I know she can run a car wash with all of her spit. She screamed at me when I came in for being loud, and I wasn't even talking. While getting out my violin I look towards someone and their snickering about something towards me. I kinda feel, left out. Turned down from a High to a low. But after that I swear that evil teacher asked me to play in front of every one. (Last time I did this was a year ago, I wasn't confident AT ALL, and threw up and was so embarrassed. The next day is when Alisha made that lie & joke about me throwing up, remember?) As I walked in front of my fellow peers, I was totally nervous, of messing up. Totally screwing up. When I started to play, I was astonished of how good I actually sounded (not being snobbish or bragging in any way) and my class mates liked it as well. I did so well that the Orchestra teacher wasn't as bad as I thought, asked me if I could join the County. I was already like dying of excitement. Something good came out of the first day of school! (Besides no homework)! When I leave for school I head towards the bus lot (My dad makes me ride the bus because he says he pays for them through taxes and he doesn't want to waste gas) Which I don't have a problem with, it's just I don't like the people on my bus. You'd think I'd have friends on there but I don't. I said I had "little friends" now if you thought I meant little as in short, you were wrong. I mean not many as in quantity. I get on and boy there was tons of kids screaming. Two words, 6th Graders. I literally hate those suckers. Their so annoying on the first day of school. Like for real annoying. And they don't stop there, they ask for answers to homework thinking we remember and I just laugh and say "You think I remember shit like that?". It's to funny to see their reaction. Some suck it up and others go "Ooooooo you said a bad word" they just need to grow up. I get off the bus at the bus stop and go home. When I reach home, dad left a note saying he went to buy groceries and he'll pick up the boys while he's at it. They get more special treatment than me because I remember coming home and Nick had a bloody nose. Apparently he got into a fight over one of his toys and punched a kid, which didn't do a thing to that kid. Then, that kid came swinging back with a mighty fist o fury and knocked some sense into my brother, which I think was funny but mean at the same time. I go over all the syllabus stuff from all my classes, sign this, sign that & leave the stuff for dad to sign which I'll pick up around dinner time. I go to my room and turn on my wireless speaker and play "Our little Bleeding Hearts". I literally am in love with that band. Every song is like poetry, except punk-rock which Is my favorite genre if you didn't know. I blare it to about 85% because all music sounds good loud. Literally. 30 minutes later I hear the front door open with giggles of my 3 brothers. I knew they were home and I had to turn down the volume of my fabulous music. Later, my dad calls me down to dinner. We were having Chinese and the one thing my dad knows is my favorite thing at Chinese and it's the only thing my brothers dislike, Curry chicken with Onion. Boy isn't that stuff a delight. While eating my dad congratulates me about getting to participate in County Orchestra. He said if I was that good he might need to arrange a concert for me in a jokingly manner. After dinner, I grabbed the papers he signed and he looked at me and said that my appointment was Tommorow at 3:00, and that I was meeting with Dr. Pepper. I laughed so hard, and he snickered a few times. He said that she has won many awards for her field. When I go upstairs and get ready for bed, I decide to look up this "Dr.Pepper" on my laptop through Google and I got on images. She looked so familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it. Once I got more information, I came to find out her full name is Dr. Lisa Pepper Jepson. Jepson. I knew a Jepson. A Chad Jepson.

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