Chapter 3: Initiation

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//Beacon Arena/ No ones POV//

Cardin was laughing his ass off at the fight he just watched, hell it wasn't even a fight, it was a massacre. "OH MAN! HAHAHHA! THEY JUST GOT THEIR ASSES BEAT BY SOMEBODY WHO ISN'T EVEN USING HIS AURA TO STRENGHTEN HIS HITS! WAHT A FUCKING JOKE!" Cardin laughed in his mind.

People around Cardin was just shocked at what they where looking at. Two of the best teams in ALL OF BEACON was just beaten by a guy who got into the academy with fake transcripts. 

Julius was furious that Alister was defeated by the boy who he thought was nothing while his wife and daughters where laughing at the humiliating display that there new brother put out.

"HAHAHAHA! THEY DIDN'T EVEN LAND A SINGLE HIT ON THEM!" Saphron laughed while looking at Alister that was in a very compromising position.

Alister was laying on the ground beaten to a bloody pulp with his pants destroyed showing his micro penis that the female audience was trying to not laugh at. Pyrrha was just knocked out in the corner of the arena while Nora was on top of her and Ren was- oh boy he was on on the ceiling fan.

Team RWBY had it worse than PNRA, Ruby's cloaked that her mother made for her was destroyed and Crescent Rose was broken into a million pieces. Blake has her cat ears shown to the world and Gambol Shroud was the same as Crescent Rose. Weiss had her dress torn apart and Myrtenaster was bent beyond repair. 

Yang had the worst out of the four, she was holding into a piece of her hair that was burnt and half of it was left, Ember Celica was nowhere to be found and her face bleeding.

"This is why we wanted to fight stronger opponents Headmaster, they are to weak to fight us." Jin said but before we continue this conversation lets find out what happened in the fight. Hell the fight didn't even last 10 minutes.

=10 minutes Earlier=  

"MATCH START!" as Goodwitch started the match, Jin was rushing towards Alister full speed. Pyrrha tried to intercept but she was just kicked in the stomach courtesy of Jin. 

"COME HERE LOSER!" Alister said as she struck Jin with Crocea Mors but it was blocked by Jin's gloved forearm. Jin just looked-

at Alister with Killer intent as Alister almost shat his pants at this

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at Alister with Killer intent as Alister almost shat his pants at this.

While this was happening Xiaoyu grabbed Ruby's cloak while she was running around her and slammed her head first into the ground.  Yang got mad at this and- "YOU BITCH, I WILL KILL YOU!"

Jin heard this but he knows Xiaoyu can take care of herself. "AARRGGGHHHHH" Yang gave a battle cry and rushed towards the person that hurt her sister. 

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