Can you see me?

21 2 5

I was outside sitting in one of the middle branches of my tree again. I'd often come outside and sit here, enjoying the soft breeze and the company of my tree. You see, I wasn't great at expressing myself to people, and I didn't want to burden anyone with my trivial problems either... what's the point?. So I would sit in my tree and talk to it, it helped clear my head and took a lot off my shoulders.
The tree listened to me, it didn't mind me sitting in it's lap and dumping all my problems onto it. It didn't judge but instead embraced me, the leaves rustling in empathy.
(not me romanticising a TREE 🤦‍♀️)

Although today there was a new person in the park today, other than me and the tree it was usually just a few kids. But today there was a boy probably around my age standing in the middle of the kids, smiling down at them. His black hair fell over their eyes so it was hard to make out what colour they may have been, but I didn't wonder about them for too long, the electric blue streak that ran down their jet black bangs caught more attention. But his perfect smile while playing with the kids wasn't as cold as the blue streak of hair may have suggested.

He looked up and turned his head my way, that was when I first saw his eyes. Those captivating, shocking blue eyes. He smiled and waved at me, ...  flustered at the fact that I'd been caught staring I waved back. But when I did that his smile dropped and his eyes widened in shock.
Why was he surprised? Did he not want me to wave back at him?

He cautiously walked closer, climbing up the tree. MY TREE!!. And sat on MY BRANCH!! How could he?!!? This is my tree!! But he cluelessly sat in front of me and looked me straight in the eye.
His electric blue eyes were beautiful, but enough to make someone break eye contact in a few seconds. Yet he kept looking at me. 

He furrowed his eyebrows and mouthed, "Can you see me?"

He had only mouthed the words but somehow I had heard them as clearly as his icy eyes. Confused, i gave a small nod, earning another shocked expression. 

"Am I not supposed to see you?" I asked, it more as a sarcastic remark than a question.

He shook his head in denial.

I raised my eyebrows, "Oh really? how come? those kids you were playing with can see you just fine ... am I not allowed to see you?"

What happened next was hard to explain... he didn't speak but i heard his voice in my head, it was soft like the breeze. But It wasn't exactly like telepathy in movies where i could here his voice clearly in my head... it was like I just understood.

Here's what he said... or thought, or whatever. "Those kids are little, after a certain age they won't be able to see me anymore either. Yet... somehow you can"


The pic at the top is my sketch of Ruy :p


Yeh i dont remember exactly wut happened after that but long story short we became really close friends(maybe even more ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ). People think I'm crazy talking to myself all the time (I am crazy but shhhh 🤫). 

Their name is Ruy and they have freckles (just thought yall should know)

They came out as Non-Binary :D

So Ruy's pronouns are now they/them (they said it's ok if i dont change them in this story tho so...)

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