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Venti had been having weird dreams lately.

It started a few weeks ago, when he felt his power fading, draining the life out of him.

And he didn't understand why.

It happened again when Lumine's voice, which was screaming at him to wake up, faded from his mind, and in replaced was a deep familiar one, chiming like a bell close to his ear.


Venti slowly opened his eyes, and found that he wasn't on Starsnatch Cliff anymore. He found himself lying down on someone's leg, not sure whose, but even with that unknown factor he felt comfortable and relaxed. He looked up, and realised that the stars were dancing in the darkness that seemed to stretch forever into elsewhere.

"Mhm?" He answered the voice.

"I thought you slept."

A grin hopped onto his face. "Sleeping? Do I ever?"

"Of course, I forgot that you have enough energy to stay up 24/7 and keep up that cheerful personality," the voice said dryly.

"Come on!" He heard himself pout. "I mean, isn't that the part you love about me most?"

The person grunted, and Venti laughed.

They sat there in silence, before Venti tore his eyes away from the beautiful sky, and back at the person who he was laying on.

A familiar face met his, one of a sharp jawline, messy dark green hair, and golden flaming eyes. His hair swayed as the wind blew around them, golden eyes much brighter in contrast to the night sky.

He would recognise him anywhere.


Venti wanted to call out his name, but before he could, his world started to fade.

"Alatus? Alatus?" He shouted as the figure of the boy that became fuzzy. "Please don't leave me alone!"

But no matter what he said, he still faded out of sight, taking the scenery with him, leaving Venti in the never ending darkness.

It always ended like this, every single time he dreamed of something like this. Every time when he turns to look at the adeptus he would fade away, leaving him behind.

His face was wet now, salty tears welling up into his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. It was irrational, he knew. But he couldn't help but feel scared.

He knew that he took a liking to him from day one. He wouldn't try to hide it, why would he? It wasn't just about the looks. Yes, Alatus was hot and absolutely beautiful, but everyday when he learned something new about him, he can't help but feel even more attracted to him, desperate to help him to find a way out of that dark place that he was in.

But that triggered the rumoured curse, didn't it? This was so unfair - all he wanted to do was to be with Alatus forever - even if it meant to only be his friend to the ends of time."

"Alatus," He choked out again, his voice breaking.

"I'm here, I'm here," a soothing voice whispered, one that he recognised immediately.


This has never happened before. Usually he would never come back, and he would wake up in cold sweat, panting. What's different this time?

"I'm here, don't worry," Alatus's voice said again, and a calming energy flowed through him. It was familiar, and he knew it was Ameno, but it was familiar in a different way?

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