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That was the first thing that Star thought.

He's not Alatus.

He tried not to feel disappointed, or at least let it show it on his face. Well, he shouldn't even be. What was he hoping for anyway? This was past Teyvat, and even though this Xiao may sound like him, there can't be a non-existent person here.

And "Xiao"...the name seems a little familiar.

"What do you need help for? Don't waste my time," He looked up to see Xiao scowling at him.

"Uh...you see, I'm a little lost, and I need to get to Mondstadt?" Star said the first thing that came into his mind.

"Why don't you just use the Statue of the Seven?" Xiao pointed out. Star stifled a wince.

"I don't know how to," Star said, perhaps a little dumbly.

"Then how did you even get here?" Xiao asked, looking in between surprise and suspicion. "There's full of hilichurls on the way here, and from what happened just now, it's very obvious that you can't defend yourself."

Star just shrugged. "How do I know? I just woke up here and know that I have to get back to Mondstadt?" It wasn't entirely a lie. He did need to get to Mondstadt anyway.

"You have some sort of memory loss?"

"Uh...yea?" He decides that this was the safer option for now.

Xiao looked at him, contemplating whether to help him or not. Of course, his mind scoffs, like always, and asks him why is he still even thinking about it. It's telling him to turn away, like he has always done. This boy was acting suspicious anyway.

But his heart, it's different. The hard unwavering heart of his has been softened by Barbatos's presence, and now even more vulnerable along with his death. He knew that if Venti or the god himself was here, they would definitely help, and probably pick Star up as a friend along the way.

Helping? That he can do. Being his friend?


"Fine. I'll help you get to Mondstadt. Then that's it. We don't see each other again, am I clear?" Xiao growled, making his point clear.

"Crystal clear!" Star said, hopping to his side. "Lead the way!"


Star, as it turns out, was just another more annoying version of Venti.

He kept chatting away in Xiao's ear, talking about things he didn't even know about. Luckily, he didn't force Xiao to answer his questions, and just carried the whole conversation on his own.

Suddenly, while they were halfway there, Xiao realised that he stopped talking. Xiao turned to look at Star, making sure that he was still there and hasn't strayed away from the path.

Star was there, but he was staring up at Xiao with a weird expression.

"What?" Xiao raised his eyebrows.

"Do you want to tell me more about yourself?" His deep dark eyes bore into him, curiosity evident on his face.

Xiao could faintly recall Star telling him that he has shared enough about himself, and wanted him to say more just minutes ago.

"No," Xiao replied curtly, then turned away.

"Whyyyyyy?" Star winced, much like Venti, and Xiao had to fight the urge to put his hands up to his ears to shut his voice out. No, he liked his voice, a lot actually, but isn't that just because it sounded so much like Venti? This was rubbing salt to his newly wounded heart.

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