Chapter 2

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So everything is going great right now.

The technical problem is fixed, working in a concert team for technologie two years ago is sometimes really helpful. Also I'm kinda used to it now, because every week something isn't working.

Mason was so relieved when the band finally came, I didn't saw them yet because I was too busy and people were in my way.

All I know is that the band consists of three men and that I am really happy they are here now.

They should start playing in like ten minutes or so, but right now they are setting some things up.

More people came in the last fifteen minutes and we didn't have such a full night in a long time.

I heard that they played here in Carolina before, just in another pub. So let's see how this band, which name I still don't know, is gonna be.

I literally hope it's not too bad because I can't take much more bad things tonight.

While I'm cleaning some glasses I hear cheering and people getting excited, also a person testing if the microphone is working, with a soft finger tipping against it.

As I put the glasses back on the shelf, the lights got turned out and everyone got quiet.

I swear to god,now the light is also broken-

And within seconds I nearly die on a heart attack because of a loud voice starting to sing without a warning. And the lights turning on at the stage.

"She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes
Hard  liquor mixed with a bit of intellect"


I'm shocked and I don't know what is going on.

I never heard such a strong and deep voice, wow.

He keeps singing as I'm just standing there shocked, first of all because I nearly died on a heart attack two seconds ago. But also because I didn't expect THAT.

It feels like the whole room is on fire, everyone is dancing around and cheering.

"Oh, I think she said "I'm having your baby,it's none of your business"
I'm having your baby, it's none of your business"

His voice gets me out of my thoughts again and I'm so surprised that this sounds so amazing.

He keeps singing with all he has as I decide to make my way out of the bar to get a look at the stage.

People around me are dancing and totally getting lost in the song.

As I get a look at the stage my breath gets stuck in my throat, I'm looking at a long haired beautiful man who is dancing around the stage while singing this amazing song.

As I get a look at the stage my breath gets stuck in my throat, I'm looking at a long haired beautiful man who is dancing around the stage while singing this amazing song

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