I'm Leaving

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Misaki and Kohaku climbed upstairs and packed their things and head downstairs....

"Kohaku..." Both of them turned around and saw Sebastian with a small frown on his face....

Sebastian rushed to Kohaku and wrapped her in a hug...

"Please don't leave..." He whispered....


Kohaku dropped her bags and hugged him back. She rested her head on his chest....

"You know I can't stay. Even though we're not completely human, we still have emotions. But, just like humans, we need a time off...." She looked up and a brushed a strand of hair on his face. Sebastian took her hand and place it on his face....

"If you're not completely human, what is your other half?"

"You'll find out soon enough....." He dropped her hand and closed his eyes and sighed.

When he opened his eyes, they we're gone...

--- Misaki POV

Sebastian closed his eyes and Kohaku nodded her head, signalling that we have to leave. Black and red swirls covered us as we transported ourselves to the outskirts of town, near the woods. We ran towards the wood and continued running at the same speed. I used my telepathic abilities to talk to her.....

"Why didn't you tell him that we're...."

I started....

"Mutants?" She finished.

I nodded. She sighed and looked in front of her, her hair swishing in the air while we run away.

"If he knows that I'm a mutant... he'd hate me..." Tears flew out of her eyes because of our speed. She's not sobbing or anything, just one single tear came out of her right eye. She said she haven't cried when she hit the age of 12. And now, seeing her cry just because of this, made my heart break. She haven't cried for a long time even when she was tortured or beaten up...... and crying for Sebastian proves how much she loves him.

I have to admit that I was a little bit jealous when she fell in love with him.... but I learned that she needs to love more than one people to survive. She can't just love me and only me, she also needs love from others. Mutants are already hated by society and we are shunned by them. We felt so many negativity and hatred that we could break down in any moment but we choose to be strong by holding on on what we have and, Kohaku and I only have each other. We have to stick together.

But, She needs Sebastian too.

I need to get them back together....

------ Ciel POV

I really love Misaki, why do i have to marry Elizabeth?!

'Because you choose not to break your engagement?'

'Who the hell are you?'

'I'm your conscience you fool!'

'Bloody hell! get out of my head!'

I plopped on my bed and sighed...

'You do know that you can just break the engagement and go after Misaki right?'

'I don't have a choice! This is my parents will!'

'You HAVE a choice.... You just refuse to see it....'

'It's my parents WILL!' I answered back forcefully and groaned.

'No it isn't...'


'It wasn't listed on their death wish....'


'You're free to love.....'

'That means...' I raised my head and looked at my door...

'Go after her....'

I stood up and dashed towards the door and welcomed the afternoon breeze inside...

I sighed...

'I Love Misaki...' I ran towards the direction of the guest rooms until I reached the second room and stood in front of the door..

I tug my vest and smoothed out any wrinkles from my top....

I took one last breath and let my knuckles tap the Mahogany door...


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