Waking up

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You know as soon as you wake up what has happened. The same bliss from yesterday washes over you, but this time it's laced with the knowledge of the previous night. As you wiggle your toes and feeling comes back to your body, you feel Cordelia in your arms. Holding your breath, you listen. She's still asleep. You relax a little at that. You look down and see Cordelia laying on your chest, her lips pressed gently against your skin. Only then can you feel her warm breath on your chest. You debate getting up, but Cordelia's grip around you remains as strong as ever. You gently blow on her forehead - nothing. You shake her in your arms a little - nothing.
She's really asleep.
You take your hand and feel for the sun. It's only seven am best to let her sleep. You sigh and tighten your arms around her. Besides, when are you going to get a chance to hold the supreme like this again? You run your fingers through her hair and marvel at the smell of vanilla. How could one person be so intoxicating?
Suddenly you hear footsteps outside the door, and your heart starts to race. How the hell are you going to explain this? The door opens.
"Cordelia, I can't find y/n!"
Comes a whisper, you know well. Helena meets your eyes and looks at you in confusion.
She says, padding over to the bed.
"Helena! It's good to see you, look I've been captured."
You put on the voice you use when you and Helena play pretend games together. You gesture to Cordelia's arms around you. Helena squeals in excitement.
"Yes. After we left your room the most powerful witch in the world lured me into her room with the promise of a sleep mask, only to capture me in her arms! I've been tricked."
Your funny voice makes Helena laugh, and you chuckle at the half-true story.
"You tried moving her arms?"
Helena whispers before clambering on the bed.
"Yes, watch this."
You carefully take Cordelia's arm and try to move it, only to receive a slight growl from the supreme.
Helena shrieks, and you shush her trying not to laugh.
"What do we do?"
You ask Helena and smile at the cute way her face scrunches up in thought.
"The pillow trick. You wiggle down and I'll slip a pillow in ms Cordelia's arm instead. Then we escape!"
"It's perfect!"
You return with a whispered laugh. You motion for Helena to get the pillow ready. It takes a while but somehow, you wiggle down and out of Cordelia's arms and quickly jump over her to grab Helena in your arms. Helena squeals and you both jump under the covers with only your eyes peeking out, watching to see if the trick worked.
You watch Cordelia mumble into the pillow, and you and Helena try to muffle your laughter.
You hear Cordelia's sleepy voice say, and it makes your heart swell. Helena squeals again and whispers.
"Pretend you're asleep."
You close your eyes hold Helena tightly, trying not to laugh. You hear Cordelia turn around, and you bury your face in Helena's hair to hide your laughter. After a moment, you peek one eye open to see Cordelia watching you both with a sleepy smile.
"I think she's seen us."
You whisper to Helena as the little witch opens her eyes and jumps when she sees Cordelia. Helena clambers over you and hides behind your back.
"You can't hide that easily little one."
Cordelia says, reaching over you to carry a laughing Helena over your body and into her chest. You watch the sight grinning from ear to ear.
"Naughty Cordelia. You captured y/n."
Helena says, and you feel your cheeks blush as you slowly start to inch out of her bed.
"Is that so?"
Cordelia says with a deep voice that makes you shiver.
"Not so fast y/n."
Cordelia says, stopping you as your halfway out of her bed. You flop back in, causing Helena to laugh.
"Captured may have been a strong word."
You admit, and Cordelia hums, holding a laughing Helena in her arms. You put on your pirate voice that Helena loves so much.
"But there I was! Avast! Just trying to get me sleeping mask as I became wrapped up in the clutches of the supreme. I couldn't have escaped without the help of my first mate."
You gesture to Helena, and she crawls over and back under your arm again. You hold her tightly with a cheeky grin as Cordelia takes in the information.
"Oh ...did I?"
She trails over, looking back to the pillow that is beside her. Helena chuckles in your arms.
"It's cool we're even now."
You say with a soft smile, Helena looks at you in confusion, but you just shake your head and laugh.
The softness of Cordelia's bedsheets makes you close your eyes and cuddle Helena to your chest. She squirms out of your grasp and lays between you and Cordelia.
You close your eyes, enjoying the sheer impossibility of such a moment.
"I want pancakes."
Helena says suddenly, sits up. You crack open an eye.
"You didn't like them last time?"
"That's because you made them."
She says, and you fake being offended.
"Ms Cordelia makes the best pancakes."
Helena says, putting on her most innocent face as she looks at the supreme.
Cordelia chuckles and climbs out of bed, taking Helena's hand.
"Come on y/n."
Helena says excitedly.
"I'll catch up with you guys."
You say, gesturing down to the fact that you're still wearing yesterday's clothes.
Cordelia gives you a wide-eyed smile that you return before slipping out of her room and heading to your own.
As soon as you get to your room, you shut the door and slide down its back. What the hell is happening?
Two days ago, in this same room, you remembered praising yourself for not forming a connection to the other witches. How come both of those two nights you've been in the supremes bed? The idea of being away from her pains you, and hum to yourself in interest.
Maybe this is home.

Under the Moonlight जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें