After or before

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You linger in your room afterwards for a long time. You take a shower and do your hair and fuss over a nice outfit. When you eventually do go downstairs the whole coven seems awake and alive. The kitchen is filled with laughing witches, Cordelia at the center, making pancakes for everyone. You smile at the sight, finally understanding why the coven missed Cordelia so much. She was the heart of it.
Zoe comes to stand by you.
"I don't know what's got her in such a chipper mood."
Zoe ponders and you turn to her seeing that she's taking about Cordelia.
"Isn't she always like this?"
You can't imagine Cordelia doing anything but lighting the room up.
"She's always doing stuff for us but I mean she's different... I don't know. Happier maybe?"
Something in your heart warms. It can't be because of me can it? Maybe just the power of a good nights sleep?
You find your eyes contently following Cordelia, watching her laugh and cook with the other witches. You've never seen such radiance.
A general peace overtakes your body and a sense of home-coming startles your soul. You've never had this before, this feeling of peace and trust in the people you are with. It's quite scary. You turn to Zoe in attempt to distract yourself.
"What are you doing today?"
"Preparing the classroom for the test tomorrow."
Zoe says, narrowing her eyes when you look surprised.
"Oh yes, the test! Of course yes, yes."
You say, coughing a little as you try to cover up the fact that it hadn't crossed your mind.
"It's nothing to worry about. You've already shown you can do half the stuff."
Your mind spins with all the spells you have to learn. You welcome the distraction.
"I'm going to go practice."
You say to Zoe and she nods. You take one final look at Cordelia, who is laughing with a younger witch called Mallory, before heading out and to the greenhouse.
Cordelia's pancakes seem to have enticed all the witches to the kitchen, making the greenhouse empty.
"Right, so what do I have to learn."
You move around the greenhouse, contently practicing little spells on plants until you've learnt every small spell you think Zoe will test you on. Now, you can't avoid it any longer. The one you're worried about. Teleporting. Zoe had taught the spell to you the first day you came but for some reason you absolutely couldn't do it. Something just didn't want to work and you'd always open your eyes and be in the exact same place. You sigh and take two glass jars and put them down a few feet away from you.
"Just teleport inbetween these the glasses. It's like two feet, I've got this."
You say to yourself nervously. You close your eyes and whisper the words Zoe taught you whilst picturing the space betweeen the glasses. You squeeze your eyes shut but when you open them, nothing has changed.
"Come on, come on."
You shut your eyes and think the spell loudly in your head. Nothing changes.
You stare at the glasses on the floor in frustration. Whilst you're staring at them, the spell crosses your mind and in an instant you've teleported to the glasses. For a moment you're stunned, then you look down and see your right foot has deep fragments of the now smashed glass in.
You whisper and lean down to grab your foot. You instantly think of Cordelia and her kind eyes, without thinking you picture her so vividly and accidentally let the spell come to your mind.
You're in her room, you recognise it instantly. For a moment you're momentarily distracted by the knowledge that you did the spell correctly, until the pain recaptures your attention.
You whimper and start stumbling to her door.
Cordelia comes out of her bathroom, putting in an earring. She drops it the moment she sees you.
"What happened?"
Cordelia rushes over and puts her arm around your shoulder and leads you to sit on the edge of her bed. She kneels down in front of you, taking in the damage to your foot.
"Practicing teleporting."
You say sheepishly.
"I don't think I've got it down yet."
You joke, before wincing in pain when she touches your foot.
"Sorry darling."
Even with all the pain, you cheeks burn when she says that.
"I'm fine really."
"We need to get the glass out."
She says, circling her head around your foot. Cordelia gets up and rummages in her dressing table draws, pulling out various jars.
"I'm going to put this numbing cream on okay?"
Cordelia doesn't wait for a reply as she opens the jar and starts gently putting a paste around the glass on your foot.
You gasp at the coldness of the paste and your eyes meet hers for a moment. You know your cheeks are probably burning but you can't seem to look away.
A minty smell fills the air as Cordelia focuses her attention on the paste.
"Okay that should be good."
Cordelia is right, the pain is very dull now.
"I'm going to take the glass out y/n. There is only three pieces I think."
Cordelia tells you and you bite your lip nervously. She puts a hand on your knee and brings the other to your foot.
She takes the smallest piece of glass in her fingers and swiftly pulls it out. You gasp and grab her hand that's on your knee tightly.
You're about to be embarrassed but Cordelia holds your hand tightly back.
"Next one you ready?"
You nod and clutch her hand even tighter. Cordelia pulls the glass and you let out a small scream before biting your lip.
"I'm sorry darling. One more okay."
You nod and close your eyes. She pulls and you bring your head down to your joint hands to stop yourself screaming.
"All done all done."
She repeats soothingly. When you look up you see Cordelia whispering to your foot and you watch in wonder as the cuts slowly start to heal.
"Thank you so much."
You say in between breaths.
She hums gently as she watches your foot heal. After a moment, Cordelia walks around her room and begins rummaging in different places. You begin to wonder if you should creep out, but she comes back and resumes her position on the floor in front of you.
Carefully, she takes your foot in her hands and binds it carefully in gauze.
"I really am sorry, I don't know how I teleported..."
Your words tail off as you watch Cordelia place a fleeting kiss to your foot. You watch her eyes take in your bandaged foot. Cordelia's eyes trace up and down the lines of the bandage, so gently you can't imagine her eyes ever holding an ounce of menice. Her eyes make your heart ache. She looks at your foot as if the simple cuts are breaking her heart, as if an injury as simple as a paper cut more would be utterly unbearable.
You watch her in a trance, wondering if anyone in the world could possibly have a bigger heart. Desperate to comfort her in some way you take her hand.
"It doesn't hurt. Thank you."
Cordelia pries her eyes from your foot and captures your attention with her dark eyes.
You watch her and wonder how anyone can be so beautiful. Prying your eyes from her face your eyes are drawn to her window.
"It's sunset."
Moving to stand up you wobble a little and Cordelia jumps up to steady you.
"I still have more spells to practice before the test tomorrow."
"Sweetheart I think you should rest." Cordelia whispers gently but you shake your head.
"No rest for the wicked Ms Supreme."
Cordelia chuckles but still holds your arm firmly.
"Y/N I wasn't asking."
Your heart speeds up and her words make your body tingle. Trying to ignore the feeling you sigh in fake annoyance.
"Maybe I'll go take a bath or something."
"That's better."
Cordelia grins, apparently satisfied with this plan.
"Maybe you can finally show me where your room is?"
Cordelia says with a chuckle. Oh that's right, she still doesn't know where your room is. You turn to her and a wide smile graces your face as you nod. Her next words make you warm all over.
"Lead the way then sweetness."

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