It Was You All Along (An Iker Casillas Story)

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It was a beautiful day, the sun was out yet it was not hot, the streets are busy as always and I could hear the children playing outside, my neighbors chatting away. It was a perfect day in Spain. I’m in an alley and I see a ball roll across followed by little children. I wanted to run but I didn’t, a boy stopped and asked me to come over, his face so familiar. He waited but I didn’t move a muscle, I just stood there looking at him. He must’ve grown impatient because he walked away after a few minutes.

“Mina, come inside now” I heard a voice, it’s my mother's, “Mama needs some help with the cooking.”

I quickly rushed away from the alley into the wide open street. A handful of busy people were getting on with their work while a number of cars zoom pass the worn out sidewalks where children play.

I see my mom across the road, smiling at me. I smiled back and shouted, “Mama!”

I held out my hands motioning her to carry me in her arms.

“Oh Mina, you’re getting big my darling, I don’t think I could carry such a big girl!” She said as she crossed the street, her smile glistening in the sunlight.

“Pretty please!” I made the look no mother can resist.

“Okay then, come here.” She stopped, stood on the edge of the sidewalk, and bent down, motioning me to come to her. As I was on my way, I saw a zooming blur of red from my left-hand side. I turned to see what it was but I missed it. I brought my eyes back to where my mother stood and I saw her beautiful face turn into shock as she yelled for me to stop. I did. And in that moment, I could neither move my body nor my mind. Everything stopped, the birds in the sky and the ball being bounced were left hanging in mid-air. Everything felt heavy but the look of pain carved unto my mother's face was the heaviest of them all.

“Mama!” I sprang awake, breathing heavily. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I turned off the alarm beside my bed. “It was just a dream,” I whispered to myself in the darkness of my room. “Just a dream,” I reassured myself, but I felt too real.

It has been sixteen years since my mom passed away. Sixteen years of living with my dad and his wife and their children. Sixteen years of feeling like I never belonged.

I heard a knock on the door, “Mina, wake up or else you’re going to be late.”

I sighed, “I’m up Papa, just gonna have a quick shower.” I shouted through my covers.

“Okay, but please, don't take your time, sweetie.” He chuckled before stomping down the stairs.

See, my dad finally gave my birthday wish, a one-way ticket to Spain. I’ve been asking him for three years straight. he always told me I was too young. I guess I’ve grown up. This year, he finally allowed me to move there with my aunts. At last, I'm getting out of this hole that they told me was my home.

“Is everything ready?” My dad asked as I made my way to the kitchen

“Yup.” I answered, reaching for the stash of granola bars my stepmother kept on the uppermost level of the cupboard.

“Are you sure? Luggage, tickets, passport, money, water, food? All ticked off?” He listed as he moved me over and reached for the bars in one try.

I smiled at him in gratitude. “Check, check, check, check, check, and...” I grabbed the bars from his hands and stuffed them into my bag along with the crackers, chips, and cookies that he prepared for me, “...check! I'm good to go!”

“Well, Sandra and the kids are waiting for you in the living room. Say goodbye to them while I start up the car, will ya?” He hurried off into the garage shortly before I made my way into the living room.

The moment I set foot in the living room, Sandra swiftly stood up and hugged me tightly. “Oh Mina, I can't believe this is happening! You're dream is finally coming true!” she looked into my eyes and squeezed my shoulders as she smiled. She may be my stepmother but she's no witch. She's honestly the next best thing to having my real mom with me. I could feel that she genuinely loved me and my dad. Although she's too bubbly for my liking, she and my two step-brothers, went out of their way to make me feel like I belonged. It's just unfortunate that I'm hardwired to be out of place.

“I'll miss you guys,” I managed to flash a smile and, for the first time since seeing my plane tickets, felt sad about leaving. Leaving the closest thing to home in sixteen years, what the hell am I thinking? Just before I could think of any excuse to stay, my dad honked three times to signal that we're going. Thank goodness, I thought to myself, for a moment there, I thought I'd chicken out.

The ride to the airport was quick. Both my dad and I were silent, we already told each other what we wanted to say. Saying something now would just bring a flood of tears from both of us. Silence is better and it gave me time to think. Think about what I’m going to live behind and what my future would be. It gave me time to think of my dreams. I knew my mother died in a car accident, but did it involve me? I don’t know, I would ask my dad if I wanted to but the problem is, I don’t want to know what happened, it’s not like it would be of importance to me in the future, right? At this point, not knowing anything is the better and more appealing choice.

“Okay. We're here,” He said as he helped me with my luggage. “Are you sure this is what you want?” He asked as he looked me in the eyes.

“Yes Papa. I’ve been waiting for this for three years, you know that.” I said with a reassuring smile. It's true, I have been waiting for this moment for so long but now that it finally came, I feel like I suddenly didn't want to leave anymore. I hope he doesn't see through my wall.

He nodded sadly and looked at his feet. “Just don’t forget to call us, okay?” He said with a heavy sigh.

I nodded before I hugged him tightly. We may not be as close as other fathers and daughters but we love each other with all our hearts.

He was about to let me go when he remembered something. “Oh and Mina, your aunt called. She said she can’t fetch you from the airport so you’d have to go on your own. Is that okay?”

“Um, sure. I guess I’ll find out when I get there. Love you papa!” I turned around and headed toward the doors. This is it. Just a few more steps towards the doors and a few more hours to my dream. I've been waiting for this and I'm not going to fall down now. With a strong heart, I stomped my way forward and never looked back.

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