Chapter 2 - Coffee with a hint of crazy.

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 “Please watch where you're going.” hissed a woman . I looked at her in an attempt to silently ask what is wrong. It worked.

“You’re trolley, it almost hit me, you clumsy American girl.” She said with a tone of disgust in her voice.

“Sorry.” I whispered as I looked at my feet. Sorry? Ugh, I sometimes hate myself for being too kind. I was just insulted and yet I apologized. Great. She’s the one who should watch out. What is she even doing standing there? “FYI, there are places in the airport you can stay and sit while you wait.” I murmured while trying to move along.

“You were saying something?” She asked with that annoying attitude. Her one hand in front of me as if preventing me from moving any further the other holding a cup of coffee.

“Nothing.” I said through clenched teeth. I could feel my fists clenching onto the handles of the trolley, my face fuming. I had this urge to do something, something bad, push her with my trolley perhaps?

“Good. That’s what I thought.” She walked away leaving me wondering about what just happened. I sighed as I lost sight of her, I honestly expected something lighter in my first few hours in Spain, the first few hours of my dream. Well, we can’t all get what we want.

I pushed my trolley forward, searching for a bench or somewhere for me to sit down and rest. My eyes spotted the perfect place. It was a coffee shop. Heck, it was the coffee shop. It had this style that made it look old and welcoming, a sight to behold in a busy place such as this. I went inside, bought my cup and sat down in a little corner to let all the negative energies flow out. I closed my eyes and let the aroma of the coffee bring me to places.

Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out.

I let a slow sigh out of my mouth as I opened my eyes. That’s when I saw the beauty of the place. I opened my eyes to a somewhat changed airport. Everything looked so clear and I noticed that not a lot of people were around. The magic of coffee.

I looked around the coffee shop and saw that there were only a handful of people around. There was me sitting in my little bubble, the staff and this elderly couple. They were chatting away, like they only met yesterday. I can’t help but stare, how I wish to find love like that! I smiled at them when they finished their cup of coffee and proceeded outside, they held hands while pulling their luggage with them.

Well, I'll never get anything close to that kind of love, I thought to myself before I felt myself sulk down the couch and mourn my dead love life.

I turned to sip my coffee when something, or someone, caught the corner of my eye.

There was one more person in the shop, he too sat in a far corner adjacent to mine. I glanced at him from time to time, he was wearing a gray polo shirt with jeans and casual rubber shoes. He's face is partially hidden by a blue cap, darkly tinted sun glasses, and the paper that he's reading. I can’t make out much of his face but something inside me is telling me that I’ve seen this guy before. But where? And when? And more importantly, how?

I was still figuring out who he was when he jerked his head up from the paper and saw me eyeing him up. I quickly looked down, flushed red with embarrassment, and hoped that he didn’t catch me staring. I tried to ignore my embarrassing episode and continued on finishing my cup of coffee.

Time spent inside the shop was awkward, he kept on glancing at me and I for one couldn’t resist but to catch a few peeks too. Whenever he saw me looking, he’d laugh silently to himself as if we were playing a game. It’s kind of annoying to be honest. I wanted to stand up and ask him directly what he wants. Or I could flirt with him and see what happens. But that’s not really me, I’m not the kind who is very sociable and communicative, and both scenarios require me to actually talk to him. No thanks. I'd just sit here and stay an awkward turtle. I leaned back on my chair and accepted the fact that I’m never gonna find out who this person is. I took a large gulp of coffee from my cup and saw that I finished it. I sighed and rested my back on the chair. I closed my eyes and contemplated on whether I should buy another cup or if I should leave since my aunts are probably eagerly waiting for my arrival at this very minute.

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