Chapter 4

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A big thank you to all who decided on reading my story. I hope my writing gets better and you all like my new approach.

     Walking up to the party was my worst nightmare, there were teens everywhere drinking and dancing. I didn't see anyone I knew yet and I clung to Tetsuro's side so I wouldn't get lost in the crowd "Kuro where is everyone?" I asked practically melting into his side "they're all inside, Bokuto said they're playing a game" he said putting his hand on my head. Finally making it to the front door and walking inside did I finally spot him. Bokuto was standing in the middle of the room on a table with that Hinata kid on his shoulders, Akasshi standing below him shaking his head as if he was going to do something dumb, and he did. The dummy chugged his drink, jumped off the table, and tried to land on the couch but instead bounced of said couch onto the coffee table. I could hear the orange haired kid say "again!" Tetsuro let out a loud hyena laugh "great job you dumbass" he yelled across the room. Making our way over to our friends I slink towards Akasshi while Bokuto and Tetsuro "bro hug" "oooh someone dressed up, who'd you dress up for?" Akasshi cooed smirking at me. "It's a party, I wanted to look good" I shrugged "the last party you went to, you wore sweatpants and a hoodie because "you couldn't be bothered to dress nice" what changed?" He asked looking at me seriously. I had no words "Well, ah I- umm you see" I stuttered out, he laughed at me "is it because of our resident owl?" I turned 10 shades of red "n-no o-of course not" I said looking away "why is my little cat blushing? Did Aka-chan embarass him?" Kuroo said slinging his arm over Akasshi's shoulder making him blush a light pink "now, now little owl why are you blushing too?" Bokuto said resting his chin on my head and hugging me from behind making me freeze up. "Hey Kenma, what's up? I missed you" Bokuto asked. "I'm good" I said "imissedyoutoo" I whispered fast.
       "Who was to play a game of truth or dare!" Suga shouted from his upstairs landing. "Hell yeah!" Bokuto and Kuroo shouted and Akasshi and I just stared at the two "come on Kenma let's go" Bokuto said lifting me up and running to the stairs. Kuroo and Akasshi just followed in our wake "slow down Bokuto, we don't know where we're going yet" Akasshi shouted to no avail. I was slung over Bokuto's shoulder, not that I was complaining because I got a great view of his ass 'damn baseball has been a god send to his ass' I mentally smacked myself 'now's not the time to be perverted kenma' I thought again. "You having fun up there?" Came Bokuto's voice from beside me "uh umm yeah I am Bo-Bokuto-san" I covered my face with my hands even though he couldn't see me. "Just Bokuto is fine Kenma, no formalities here" he said patting what he thought was my back "o-okay Bokuto".
       After we walked upstairs he sat me down on the couch and took the seat beside me. Looking around I saw the whole Karasuno team, half of the Nekoma team, Bokuto and Akasshi, Shiratorizawa's captain, outfielder, and both pitchers, Aoba Joshai's captain and catcher, Johenzi's Captain, and a bunch of other teams I didn't know. A couple of teens trying to find a place to sit almost sat on me "hey hEY HEY y'all go on somewhere else" he shouted at them, scooting me closer to him. I noticed Kuroo and Akasshi sitting together and laughing at Bokuto and I "alright is everyone here to play truth or dare?" Suga-san asked and just got cheers in return "the rules are you either do the dare or say the truth or you drink!" He said with enthusiasm "who goes first?" Someone asked "ooh ooh me! Me!" Bokuto's pupil said with just as much enthusiasm as Suga-san. "Okay Hinata, truth or dare?" Suga-san asked. Of course he said dare and he actually did it. It went on like this for about fifteen minutes "Kenma truth or dare" I heard Kuroo yell "uh umm truth?" I answered "ugh you're no fun. Fine, do you like anyone here?" His question caught me off guard "uhh yeah I do" everyone oooh'd and ahhh'd like it was the most facinating thing that ever happened and the night went on like that. Almost everyone had asked me who it was through various dares and truths to which I drank through all of them. Ten cups of beer, five shots and two sips of water later Bokuto asked me "Kenma are you okay? You need to finish your water" he held my cup of water up to my mouth, taking slow sips I started to feel really sleepy. Bokuto got asked again and he chose dare "I dare you to kiss Hinata!" Suga yelled, I widened my eyes in surprise "sure why not" Bokuto said as the ginger came over to us and pecked Bokuto's lips. I felt my blood start to boil Then I heard it "Kenma I dare you to confess to who you like!" Kuroo yelled across the room "you can quit if you do!" He added. I don't know if it was because I was angry or I was tipsy or me getting annoyed at Kuroo but I decided to do it.

Oof cliffhanger do we all know who it's gonna be? I definitely hope so bc if not can you not read? Anyways Kittybear out ✌️

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