Chapter 44

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TW: intrusive thoughts, mentions of abuse and isolation

Kenma's POV

After being left in the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror and didn't recognize myself. My face was pale and my eyes were all red from crying for weeks "I look like shit" I whispered noticing my black hair growing out more. I stripped down and got in the bath

'drown yourself'

'no one will care if you're dead'

'they think you're a burden so kill yourself'

'join your Mimi in death'

'You've already tried it'

'Daishou should've finished the job'

'you'll feel better in death'

"Kenma! Are you okay?" I was pulled from the tub by Kou "wha- what happened?" I blinked up at him "you were drowning in the tub and screaming, do you not remember?" I didn't remember "I don't remember, I just remember getting in the tub and having awful thoughts and then you pulled me out of the bath" I unintentionally flinched away when he touched my face "you're crying, baby what thoughts were you having? You can tell me. Let's get you washed up first" he set me back in the bath and washed my hair and body before pulling the plug and draining the water.

Walking me back to my bedroom he suddenly turned and took me to the guest room "Why are we in here? My clothes are in my room" I was cold and confused "Im going to clean your room because it stinks and you can't breathe in there and you definitely need a nap because it looks like you haven't slept at all since you got home. I'll bring you some clothes and brush your hair before I do though" he kissed my head and walked back out. I asked him to lay down with me after he got me his shirt and some underwear and brushed my hair "I will until you fall asleep but after I really need to clean up" we laid down. I snuggled really close to him before burying my face in his neck, kissing it I scooted myself on top of him "Kenma it's nap time not sex time. I don't think you're mentally ready to have sex right now" I pouted "I am ready and you've been neglected for almost a whole month, just let me take care of you" I slid down in-between his legs "Kitten-" he gasped when I palmed his dick through his grey sweatpants "dont stop" he sighed when I stopped. I smirked at him "but I thought that I wasn't mentally ready for sex" I purred "I lied, if you want to keep going then go ahead" he moaned as I started palming his erection again. Removing his pants and underwear, I kissed up his thighs leaving light hickeys and bites everywhere "kit- kitten please" I hummed and stroked his dick a couple times before taking him into my mouth. He grabbed my hair and pulled a bit making me moan around his dick "ah fuck" he whisper moaned "gotta stay quiet babe" I said before bobbing at a rapid pace making him pull harder and bite his hand to keep quiet. After he came down my throat I crawled back up to make out with him as he fumbled with taking my underwear off. He rolled us over "now it's your turn to keep quiet" he whispered grinning, he started slowly teasing with my dick "Kou" I whined lowly "ah ah ah quiet now, don't want to alert everyone in the house do we?" I covered my face with my arm and shook my head no. He suddenly took me fully in his mouth and started bobbing painfully slow. I clamped my legs together around his neck making him moan around my dick "fu-fuck, we need to hurry so stop teasing" I released my hold on his neck and relaxed my legs "ah ha! Caught you- holy shit!" Tetsu yelled before immediately shutting the door again "Tetsuro come back here! Don't tell mom!" I yelled after him, pulling some shorts on I chased him down the hallway.

I skidded into the kitchen just as Tetsuro started talking to mom "Tetsu shut up!" I jumped on his back and tackled him to the ground. I straddled his waist and covered his mouth with my hands as Kou walked in the room "Koutaro dear, what happened to your thighs? Looks like you've been hit with a baseball multiple times" mom hurried over to look at his legs. Tetsuro threw me off him and started laughing his ass off "mom he's okay, Kenma knows what happened to his legs" Tetsu smirked at me as mom put the pieces together "Kenma! His thighs? really? You know he lives in shorts right?" mom laughed and I groaned in embarrassment. Mom had been making dinner when we ran in "I've made your favorite Kenny. Whos up for a pork cutlet bowl?" I jumped up and sat at the table "I want four please" I asked "You don't need four bowls, you can barley stomach one at a time" Tetsu scolded "Tetsuro let him eat until he can't finish, he's not fifteen anymore" mom put a bowl in front of me "what happened when he was fifteen?" I panicked when Kou asked "that's a story for another day" Tetsu balled his fists "I'm not hungry anymore, thanks for dinner mom" he got up and left the kitchen "what was that all about? Did I say something wrong?" I patted his thigh "you didn't but we need to talk after dinner, I have a lot to tell you" he nodded and we went back to eating.

After finishing my second bowl and Kou's fifth we cleaned the kitchen for mom and headed upstairs "Kitten since I didn't get to clean your room earlier I'm gonna do it now and you can talk to me while I clean" I nodded my head and we went into my dumpster of a room. We looked around "take everything off of your bed and throw it in the hallway, even your pillows because they're also probably gross" I did as told and before I sat down I kissed Kou in thanks "uh where should I start? There's a lot to cover-" "start with your ex, who was it?" he interrupted "you know who he is, it's uh" I hesitated a bit "Suguru Daishō, that's who I dated from my fifteenth birthday to my almost seventeenth birthday. We met at a scrimmage game and instantly clicked, it felt like he was the only one who got me, ya know? Uh sorry Kou but he was my first everything and when I say everything I literally mean everything. He convinced me that losing my virginity to him would be the coolest thing I could do and Kuro was approhensive about it but he high-fived me when I told him about it. I promise I'm going somewhere with this but you need some backstory. After that we spent basically every waking moment with each other and I thought I was in love until I met you. Truth be told he hated that I became more intretested in hanging with you and Kuro than him. He- he started hitting me and- and told me it was because he loved me, he wanted me to isolate myself from everyone and I did for him but it wasn't enough. Enough was when I asked for my own apartment and was living alone, he would come over almost every night and do unspeakable things to me and every night I'd call Kuro to come help me. He wanted to kill him but I loved him and told Kuro that I'd die if he killed him. The snapping point for my family was my sixteenth birthday-" I took a shaky breath not wanting to remember the painful memory etched into my brain "-it was a day that he was actually happy with me, he took me out for the day and we did everything I wanted- until we saw you and Kuro hanging out and I wanted to say hi. He said that we could and we made little conversation until you hugged me, you remember?" He looked at me "I do, I was so excited to see you for your birthday that I couldn't contain myself" I smiled weakly "after we left he drug me back to my apartment and beat me almost to death, I had called Kuro to help me and he brought mom and dad. I don't really remember much else that happened but when I woke up I was in a psych ward and Suguru was fighting for his life in the hospital. Mom told me that Kuro and Terushima went to beat him up for me and were spending the night in jail, I asked her to see them but the psych ward only allows family members over eighteen to visit in person. I had to wait for six months to thank them in person but by that time I was a different person and didn't remember why I was thanking them. Daishō got out of the hospital but was too afraid to contact me to say we were breaking up and Kuro convinced me to go to Suga's party and you know the rest" I finally looked at him "but even after he almost killed me, for a short while I still loved him" tears pricked my eyes as the fell "oh baby don't cry, it's okay to feel that way. He was your first love after all, I'd feel the same if I had a first love that wasn't you" he finished cleaning and came to wipe my tears away "Kou how are you so sweet? You'll give me cavities" I laughed at my voice crack "I'm anything but sweet kitten but thanks anyways" he kissed my head and flopped on top of me "you're the sweetest boyfriend in the whole entire world, I wouldn't trade you for anything ever! You're mine forever and ever" I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed.

Wazzup bitches! I'm super excited to announce that I have actual ideas for this story! Yaaaay lmao anyways Kittybear out ✌🏼

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