Ch. 9 "White Knights Part 1"

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                                                Casey POV 

airplane engines roars] [exciting music] [breathing heavily]

That wasn't so bad, was it?" Rip said 

"Ask me later when My stomach isn't in my throat," I mumbled putting my hand on my head

I was sitting in-between Sarah and Ray, Ray puts his hand on my shoulder,

" Walk in the park. So where are we now?" Snart said 

"Washington, D.C.The year is 1986." Rip said getting up 

" We've landed at the height of the Cold War in a world poised for nuclear annihilation." Stein said 

"We've traveled here because I have a new lead on Vandal Savage's location." Gideon said 

We all gathered around the console, 

"Yes. Gideon managed to intercept this telefax concerning Savage's last known whereabouts." Rip said 

"What?" I asked 

"Tele-what?" Jefferson said 

" It's like an email on paper." Ray said 

"Wow, that's totally useless." Mick said 

"And pointless," I said 

Sarah elbowed me, 

"What?" I said 

We looked at the document that showed up on the console.

" Dude, this whole thing's crossed out." Jefferson said 

"Yeah, redacted by the U.S. government, which is why we are here to steal the original file on Savage back from those who are tracking him." Rip said 

"Uh, that's the..." Ray said stunned,

"Now, now...Don't worry. We are cloaked." Rip said 

" You want us to break in to the Pentagon? Sounds awesome." Mick said 

"This... Is, awesome," I said 

Mick smiled patting me on the shoulder, 

"It sounds crazy." Kendra said 

" What's the plan?" Sarah said 

" Oh, the Fabricator will fashion you the necessary Pentagon credentials." Rip said 

"Ooh, and don't forget our G-man disguises. I always wanted to be a spy." Ray said smiling

"Now, the file we're after is kept in a secure records room. In order to gain access, we're going to need to, uh, borrow a magnetic key card." Rip said 

"Because this is so much easier than just shrinking down and stealing it." Ray said 

"Let me show you how it's done...old school." Snart said through the com, 

I was standing next to Rip, watching the screen, 

"I would like to point out this is just plain out mean and rude putting me on the side line," I said 

"Sorry shorty couldn't risk it, since your a teenager, and you would draw too much attention this is a operation for adults," Snart said 

I rolled my eyes, 

"Still sucks," I mumbled 

"Hey, sparky do you kiss your mother with that mouth," Mick said 

I scoffed 

"Do you?" I asked 

"Could we please focus please," Rip said 

I just had a bad feeling about all of this, I thought as I watched everyone on the screen, 

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