Part 11

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Severus woke up to a hangover. He groaned as he sat up too quick. He quickly searched his cloak pocket that he put his potions vials in.

"Damn no hangover cure."

Severus then decided to get up and make some good strong black coffee.

Outside of Dan's apartment, Alan was sat in his car wondering if he should either stay here and wait for Dan, Tom and Emma to make an appearance or go to the hospital where Hermione had been admitted to.

He looked out of his window to look up at the living room window. He saw that Severus had just got up.

He stayed there for another couple of hours until he gave up and headed back to the hotel to get some rest for the UK Premier tonight.

At the hospital, Harry and Draco were on one chair curled up to each other fast asleep. Dan was fast asleep on the end of Hermione's bed; Tom was asleep in the armchair with Emma sat on the arm rest leaning onto Tom's shoulder.

The nurse that was on that morning entered to see everyone were still fast asleep. She shook her head and decided to check on Hermione's vitals.

"Hmm not much of a change." The nurse wrote down her findings on Hermione's chart and then put the chart down to see that Hermione's head had moved.

The nurse thought that she was seeing things and walked up to the side of Hermione's bed.

Hermione's eyes were fluttering and trying to open. Plus, her fingers were flexing also. The nurse tried to persuade her to open her eyes.

"Come on Miss Watson, you can do it. Open your eyes come back to all your friends." The nurse coaxed Hermione around.

Eventually her eyes opened, and she tried to shy away from the bright light. The nurse went over to the window and closed the curtains and put on the lamp that was over the patient's bed.

"Is that better dear?" The nurse asked.

Hermione moved her head slightly nodding yes to the nurse's question.

"I'm just going to go and get the consultant on your case and he is going to want to check you over." The nurse headed out and called for Dr Nathaniel Harrison to come up and check on his newly awoken patient.

Emma was the first to stir awake to see that her counterpart was awake. She looked over to stare into the same chocolate-colored eyes that belonged to herself.

"Hello Hermione. Don't be alarmed, I'm your counterpart Emma Watson. It's nice to meet you. I have heard a lot from both Dan and Tom and some of the cast." Emma introduced herself.

Hermione tried to talk but found that she couldn't make any sound. She started to panic and the machines that were attached to her started bleeping.

Dan, Harry, Tom and Draco were all awake after hearing the machines starting to bleep.

A medical team rushed into Hermione's room and they were all pushed out of the room. Emma collapsed to the floor hiding her face from her friends.

"What happened Emma?" Tom asked as he sat at the side of his friend.

"Hermione was awake. I...I ju...ust introduced myself to her and I think that she tried to answer and couldn't. The machines then just started bleeping; I think she was having a panic attack." Emma wiped her face as tears were strolling down her cheeks.

"Hermione is out of her coma?" Draco asked.

Emma nodded in her reply.

Harry looked relieved when he heard the news that his best friend was out of her coma. He then looked down the corridor to see that the Potions Master was walking towards the group.

"How is Miss Granger?" Severus asked outright.

"You mean Miss Watson. What is it to you Professor?" Draco snapped at his Godfather.

"Hey, take it easy there mate; we don't want a scene out here now do we." Dan tried to calm down Draco.

Emma looked at the man stood in front of her. She could see that he wanted to try and amend things. She only hoped that her counterpart was just as forgiving as she was herself.

"Guys it's been a long night, I'm going to head on home. It's the premier tonight, so you may want to think about heading home yourselves so that you can both get dressed." Emma mentioned.

"Hmm. I don't think that I want to go now." Tom replied to Emma.

"WHAT! How can you not go? You are one of the main leads in the film. You need to be there, you're going aren't you Dan?"

Dan looked away not wanting to get involved.

"Sorry Emma but our friend was hurt, and we want to see that she gets better. We may think about it and let you all know if we attend or not."

Emma stomped away from them and headed back home.

Harry and Draco looked at their counters and thanked them both.

"You don't need to stay around guys. You go and have a great night. I doubt that Hermione will be going anywhere soon." Draco told them.

"We both know that, but we want to stay." Dan replied.

Severus stood there thinking that they had all made the best of friends.

"Right, well why are we all stood out here then?" Severus asked.

"A medical team pushed us all out as the machines that Hermione was attached to started bleeping. Emma thinks that she was having a panic attack." Harry mentioned.

Dr Harrison then walked out of the room.

"Well, she is out of her coma, but the trauma that she has been through has left her mute. Miss Watson may come around from it or it could be made permanent. It all depends on her." Dr Harrison explained to the group.

"Is that what caused the machines to start up again?"

"Yes, she was in the early stages of a chronic panic attack. Can I ask does she suffer from them at all?"

"No, I have never known her to have an attack. But she has been through some ups and downs in her family that have affected her a few months back. Her parents were murdered at the start of last summer. She stayed with us in London and has tried to come to terms with it. It has been hard." Draco mentioned to the Doctor.

"Well, she should be fit for release in a couple of hours. She will be on complete bed rest for at least three to four days. She may get up with help to go to the bathroom. Her dressings will need to be changed daily, they will be provided, and you will be shown how to change them. Plus, also I want to set up an appointment for a checkup for next week." Dr Harrison told them.

"Err we won't be in the country next week as Miss Watson has university to attend over in Australia. She should have started her semester two days ago, but alas her flight tickets were lost in the post." Severus explained a white lie to the good Doctor.

"Right, so she will need to make a follow up appointment with a medical team over there so that she can be given a clean bill of health. Well, I will leave you to it; you can go in and see her now." Dr Harrison moved away and headed to do some paperwork for the nurse.

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