A Million Years!

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In all seriousness, thanks everyone! I never really expected this story to go far but look at this! Sorry for not uploading a chapter in a while. I blame writer's block and my Laziness. I also went through some changes with my writing style so things might look different. Without any further delay, let's get it onnnnnnn!

Akiru's p.o.v

"Keep things professional, me." I kept telling myself. After my ordeal at the council, I went to the castle roof. This place is one of the only places for me to let it all out: my rage, sadness and etc.  Nobody really knows that I go here except for Arthur.

"Hey mom? Are you listening to me from up there?" I called to the heavens. The wind made sounds through multiple objects that they wen through, as if it's trying to say something. 

"Well, listening or not, I'd like to ask you a question. What should I do?" I asked my departed mother. "There's going to be a big war tomorrow and I don't know how to stop it. If I don't, hundreds- no, thousands of people will die because of this pointless struggle for power."

The wind remained silent.

"I hate this. I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try, things are never peaceful."


"I FUCKING HATE THIS! I fucking hate this..." Tears started welling up.

I felt something wet fall down my cheek. "I'm crying" I realized.

"It's so hard... I can't keep smiling. I want to cry but I have to stay strong. Maybe once this is all over, maybe I could..."

"Mom, If only you were here. You could've helped stop this. But now your gone, and it's all my fault. If only I didn't falter..." I couldn't finish the sentence, the pain this topic brings becomes too much 

"I thought I'd find you here" I heard a familiar voice behind me.

"W-what, you m-miss me already?" I joked, trying to distract her from my current sorry state. Thankfully, It worked.

"Shut up baka! The King asked me to find you. It's not like I wanted to find you or anything!" She retorted.

"Alright then, take me to Arthur you tsundere" I teased. She immediately tried punching me, to which I respond by dodging the swings and grabbing her from behind and then carrying her, bridal style.

Her face immediately went red. "Ahhhhhhhh! Let go!"

"LeT mE gO!" I mocked her as we slowly headed to the to the throne room.


We were walking along the hallways of this castle. I had already let go of Rushia because her  asking me to let her go got annoying. "Hey Akiru, who were you talking to?" I froze. This was a sore subject I don't tell this to people because I didn't want people giving me pity for something that already happened. To me, Its just rubbing salt on the wound. 

"I-It was nothing. Just talking to myself."

"Are you sure?"

' nosy'


"Are you sure you're sure?"

' this is getting annoying'

"Mmm hmmm"

"You know I can read people's emotions right? You were feeling anguish back there. I'll ask you again, What. Is. Wrong. With. You?

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