"Fathers Day"

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   It was normal day within the 501st barracks on Coursuant, everyone was either out, doing paper work, training, or being scolded by Kix for force knows what reason. As they worked their Jedi were also doing force knows what, they assumed either getting themselves arrested or watching a movie with Senator Amidala; there was no in between. They didn't mind the week they would sometimes have before or after a string of month missions, it gave them time to think and center themselves, or the go stir crazy; once again, no in between.

     Fives was the one that always had a tendency to go crazy if he was kept in one space for more than four days, he liked the change of view, it kept his brain thinking. So, as he laid on a bunk below his "sisters" he kept to make sure that she heard every breath he took, and that she felt the shake of the beds with every movement he made. He had been doing that for at least an hour at that moment, and he still had no recognition. Which he knew she was probably doing of purpose in order to annoy him but it still got under his skin.

    His sister, as all clones called her, was a glitch in the system, however not really; she was Jango Fetts daughter. They didn't accept that, she was one of them. One in a million, quite literally. With that mindset her named varied from one person to the next, sometimes a whole battalion will call her "Glitcha" while another, like the 501st, would call her Million, Mill for short. She shared their looks, deeply tanned skin and dark curly hair, they had all the same features expect the ones that decided gender for the medical records. He thought she was pleasant enough, a bit annoying after a couple of minutes of her ranting but she was good.

      When the door opened Fives sat up within a second and watched as Rex and Cody entered, looking as normal as a clone could get to a civilian as far as it went with clothes and mannerisms. He quickly got up from his seat and grabbed his bag, "Where are we going? Please take me with you."

     Rex narrowed his eyes, "Kix has been looking for you, I suggest you go to him before you go anywhere."

    "No!" He returned, " No no, Kix is just gonna go on and on emotional trauma and how it can effect the nervous system if it's held inside. Then he'll tell me to go to a therapist while we're here and I, personally, don't wanna waste my time with a person that gets paid to listen to my emotionally scarring backstory." Fives then smiled, "Thats what my brothers are for."

   Cody went over to the taller bunk and looked at the holopad which Million was gazing at, he chose to start having a conversation with her while Fives and Rex bickered about proper emotional support. "What are you reading?"

     Without a reply she lightly turned the pad to show him the article she had found about Senator Amdiala and her father. She had found this interesting for it held a holiday that she had never heard of nor had she ever seen Padme's father. As Cody quickly skimmed the article she kept her eyes low and began to sit up, by the time she had made her way to the ground he was finished and looked at her. He was trying to explain something he didn't know how to explain and his effort showed her all she needed to know. "I never knew a day to celebrate a person was a thing. It's odd."

   Fives, having heard a silver of the conversation and was deprecate for a escape of his own talk with Rex butted in, "Like birthdays?"

    "Like Father's and Mother's Day." Million said back and slipped her shoes back on, and as she thought she smiled faintly and looked back up at them, not noticing their looks, "For Mother's Day I'll get a can of oil and go back Kamino to fix up the Motherboard." She found her joke hilarious, they did not. "C'mon. That was funny."

    "What's Father's Day?" Fives then asked and looked to Cody, and Cody looked to Rex and in return he glared back at Cody who looked down, then knowing he had to answer the question.
    "Something irrelevant to us, I suppose."

Million walked towards the day, "Then change it to something that is relevant to us."

    Rex looked at her, "like what?"

"How bout...I don't know, why do I have to be the person with the brain cell?"

    Fives started going towards Million and the door, "Are we leaving????"

     "Vod day?" Cody then suggested, "Like one big birthday?"

   Fives nodded and grabbed Rex's arm as he tried to pull him out, "Great idea, let's gooooo."

  "I like the idea, I can message some of the other legions to meet us that the empty factory on the North edge."  Million then spoke out as she was pushed by Fives.
    "Amazing, I love it. Let us leave!"

Rex then followed them with Cody a couple feet behind, "That's not a horrible idea."

"Of course it's not, I had it." Million replied and looked at them all, "Factory, 7 Pm? Everyone has to bring own snack because if I go to Padme saying I need enough food for seven legions she's gonna-well she'll do with a smile on her face but she'll be tired." As she spoke she was still being taken by the arm and lead towards the doors that lead downtown.

Rex and Cody stopped, "Where are you going?"
Fives shrugged, "I don't know? Mini-golfing? Anywhere, but here."

In order to cause his heart to fall into his stomach, Million looked down the hall and smiled, "Hi, Kix!!"
In return, she didn't know what she expected, Fives let go of her arm and took off down the hall and out the doors within seconds. With a smile upon her face she smiled and followed him, knowing that she had maybe just made something that would benefit her brothers more than anything else.

Chapter one done, if you have any ideas please let me know!!! :)

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