Chat 2.0

49 2 0

Snips has added Obi-Wan, Cody, Waxer, Boil, Echo, Kix, and Tup to 501st buddies

Cody has changed chat name to- Legions 212nd and 501st

Fives: that name is b o r I n g

Obi-wan has changed user name to- Obi
Obi has added Satine to chat

Satine: my phone dinged in the middle of a very important meeting Olly, what is this?

Snips: olly???

Annie: olly-bo-bolly

Satine: not a private chat I assume

Obi: no it is Not

Cody: o l l y  we have a meeting

Kix: I swear if I have to give more birth control out I will kill someone

Rex: Kix you don't have to give birth control all the time it happened once

Kix: ya for you and others who shall remained unnamed

Snips: why

Fives: coodies


Snips: Annie drop it

Annie: no R E X
Annie: R
Annie: E
Annie: X

Echo: y'all I'm in the library and idk how to turn the sound down

Kix: I'm in a surgery please

Waxter: no Continue I wanna know what happens

Tup: same please

Fives: it was Ashoka she has the birth control

Annie: oh?
Annie: O H

Snips: get out of my room fives

Fives: no
Fives: ur shirts are so small like oh my gawd these are like Barbie clothes

Rex: he is actually in your room wow

Snips: get. Him. Out????

Echo: fives take her lightsaber for revenge for my helmet

Fives: I already did

Annie: oh

Obi: wow

Padme: g u y s I m I n a m e e t I n g

Annie: no no no Padme wait we're about to learn if Rexsoka or Luxsoka is a thing in this world

Padme: ????

Snips: ?????

Rex: what the kriff is rexsoka

Fives: it means you soka get married

Rex: what

Snips: what

echo: ooooo SPILL THE T E A

Tup: we're projecting this onto the hanger wall btw, it's great entertainment

Satine has left chat

Cody: you scared her off

10 mins later

Snips: no master why are you live-streaming your self going through my closet

Annie: I must find the birth control and find out prescribed it

Kix: I did

Annie: you coulda said that sooner
Annie: omg snips ur clothes are so small like I can't get them over my head

Snips: master why are you trying on my clothes

Annie: I was wondering if I could pull maroon.

Snips has left chat

Annie: Uh oh

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