My Oc's

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There are plenty of them but here are a few more noticeable ones. :)

Rena Fett: Daughter of Jango Fett

age: Clone wars area, 14-17. Rebel era, 27-35


nicknames: Glitcha, Million

Looks: dark hair, often bleached or colored to match which legion she's in.  Brown/ hazel-ish eyes. Grows to only be 5'7 height wise.

Likes: working, rainy days, long walks, random talks with her brothers (the clones), watching the jedi train, mocking it when the jedi train behind their backs, being sarcastic, puddles, Boba Fett, being smarter than everyone she knows

Dislikes: Anyone she thinks is wrong, people who are willing to do the work to prove that she is wrong, anyone who isn't willing to admit defeat: Doku, Grevious, Ventress, (Sometimes when Sparring) Ashoka and Anakin. Days when the sun is too bright. Naboo (Yup, she hates the planet not the senator)


Age:  Rebel era, 16-25

female, hybrid between unknown spieces and human.

Nicknames: Kat, Katy, Ali

Looks: violet blue hair with lots of curls. Dark brown eyes, skin tone ranging from blue to a deep tan. Six foot one when fully grown.

Likes: Learning new things, the sky when it's clear on Courstaunt, trees, nature, being proven wrong, working. Watching someone else learning something new and then acting like she had known it all along.

Dislikes: What the empire stands for. Those who are too prideful to admit when they're wrong. Idiots. Those who didn't have to earn their wealth. Slave owners.

Larren O'Sharreen

Male, unknown Spieces/ human hybrid

Age: Rebel era, 16-17

nicknames: Lar, Larry (Only to romantic interests)

Looks: Blue, human tan skin tone Lukku. Deep blue skin with human pigmented marks. Green eyes. grows up to 6'3.

Likes: Smiles, plans, sunshiny days on Naboo or any planet for that matter, peace and quiet. (Aileha' Kartion) Soft music in background while working. Sleeping in.

Dislikes: Basically the same as Kat.


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