Kaylie and Daiki / I forgot to claim you DAMN IT

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(Deku Pov) 

We were trying to figure out names when we finally settled on Kaylie for the Girl and Daiki For the Boy.


Kaylie- Has Blond hair like Kacchan and green eyes like Deku with freckles acts like Kacchan and little bit like Deku. Female.

Daiki-Has Green hair like Deku Red eyes like Kacchan No freckles acts like Deku and a little bit like Kacchan. Male.

(Back to Deku Pov)

Once we got that settled i kissed Kacchan and he looked at my neck and was wide eyed, "Deku...*he feels the neck* THE BITE IS GONE FROM ALL THOS YEARS AGO?!?!" I wipe my forehead and say "What the fuck, *feels neck* SHIT your right! wait here" i show my neck and he bites it relatively fast, "So Kacchan uhm i think i need to bite your neck too because thats how it works hehe..." He had a light bulb go off in his head and showed his neck to me i blushed "Oh- uhm are you sure Kacchan???" He looked at me then the celling, "Yes nerd...I love you and i want to stay with you for as long as i live with Kaylie and Daiki...So bite me." He closed his eyes as i bit down. "Ouch~" He winced at it a bit but once i was done we laid in bed and decided to chill.

-A few minutes later-

(Deku Pov) 

I was sweating like crazy i kept panting and wipeing my forehead but i got hotter and hotter Kacchan sat up because of my panting and sniffed the air, "Uhm Deku..." I looked at him panting still, "Y-Yeah? *pants*" He looked at my face, "Oh my god you so fucking flushed and you panting and- OH MY FUCKING GOD YOUR IN HEAT?!" I then went wide eye before my brain decided to just turn off i couldnt control what i do but i could still see...DAMN IT MY HEAT STARTED TODAY??? But then Kacchans eyes became slits and he pulled me close to him and i wimperd. Wait is Kacchan in-

(A/N: CLIFFHANGER HAHA ill work on more TOMMOROW or LATER TODAY but im not sure! Also sorry it was short...)

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