A story you've heard before

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You want to hear a story? Alright, alright, I'll tell you a story. Now listen carefully, because this one's true.

It was the classic story, good vs evil, demons vs angels, man vs monster. You know how these stories end, the good guys win, the bad guys suffer some punishment. You already know the story. But I'm not here to bore you with a tale you've heard, no. From me you'll hear a story of something ... different. Different, and yet exactly the same. You're confused. I'll explain.

Two people. Two worlds. Two lives. This may sound like a classic Romeo and Juliet story, but I assure you it is not. Or perhaps it is. That's up to you to decide, but of course that would be afterwards. What was I saying? Right, yes, the story. Two people, worlds, and lives. One a prince, the other no more than a common thief.

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