The Prince and a Thief

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Now, this was only the first time they had met, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. Of course it would be years before they met again, but they would meet again, and here's how it happened.

Feeling cold metal suddenly thrust against equally cold flesh, the thief froze, two yellow gloved hands slowly raising to eye level. "Well hello, then." A smile stretched across the monstrous face, though it was still turned towards the wall.

"All of them, up, now."

"Oh you're no fun," the thief scoffed, ignoring the sword that was inches away from cutting through those golden scales, and raising two more gloved hands

"I said all of them"

"Alright, alright, I'll play." Two more hands went up and a dagger clattered to the polished stone floor. The serpentine intruder turned around, bringing all three left arms just under his chest and dipping into an obviously mocking bow. "It appears you've caught me," the sharp fanged smile grew wider and the sickeningly sweet voice dripped with sarcasm, "your highness."

The prince stumbled backwards, appalled. What was this creature? And why was this encounter so familiar? Regaining his composure, he stepped forward again, sheathing his blade and picking up the fallen knife. "Is this your only weapon?"

"Of course it isn't, who do you take me for?" The beast gave a menacing laugh, straightening up. "I assume you want me to hand them over? Not happening, Prince Charming."

The prince's eyes flicked around the room, but after realizing they were alone, he called out as loud as he could. "Guards! Help!"

Like a shadow, the stranger disappeared into the darkness, only identifiable by footsteps. The thief had run to a balcony.

And of course the prince chased after the intruder, and with the guards that had raced over, they cornered the thief. Merely giving a smirk, this mysterious stranger climbed up the balcony rail, and handed a hat to the prince. "Hold this for me, darling?"

The stranger fell, laughing as the wind pulled out the neatly braided hair. In shock, the prince leaned over the rail, eyes widening as he watched. 

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