Fuzzy panicky - Jschlatt + Quackity

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Littlespace oneshot

Prompt : after a long stressful day of work at the office as a president , Jschlatt Takes some time for himself to regress but not being able to find his little gear , he starts panicking. Luckily Quackity is here to help .

Tw : Anxiety , crying , slight mention of alcohol , Swearing , slight headspace refusal .

Little!jschlatt ( 0 - 3)


As a president , you know how it is to make sure that everything works well in your country . The smallest incident could occur at any moment if you are not cautioned . Having to avoid any risky moves and keep an eye on your belongings or it could shatter into pieces while you look away , even for a few minutes can be quite stressful if you ask me and if jschlatt told you he wasn't stressed , he would be spitting a fat carbon lie .

Jschlatt seated at his desk , went through some important paperworks , different types of contracts placed on two different piles , the one he had read and signed and the other of the ones he had put the little finger on and just by giving a shot from the eye , you couldn't easily tell that not even half of the job was done , and it wouldn't be done before a long time . The immense window in his back illuminated the office , helping the president see the files underneath him. Countless were the hours he had spent seated on his office chair with his ink pen in his hand. Countless were the beer bottles he had drunk but yet still managed to stay sober , thank god he thought of spacing out the drinks to every hour because he wouldn't have made it out the work while drunk.

Signing up a paper , he placed it on his pile of done work next sighing. He rubbed a hand behind his neck slowly , as he frowned at the files underneath him . The more and more he got into it , the less and less his mind would comprend or be able to concentrate on reading what was written on the papers.

He growled , his head starting to ache slightly. Work had never been an easy thing , and Jschlatt never expected it to be , but there's some point where you just want to send the papers flying and just straight never touch work again and that was him right now. Then a fuzzy feeling started clouding his mind , a feeling he knew too well.

he couldn't allow himself to regress now , more than the half of his paperwork was still untouched. He shook his head , still hours of work ahead . " I'll slip later, yeah " Now i have work and gotta be a big boy " he told himself to push away the fuzziness, and it sort of worked. Feeling in control of his mind again , he went back to his work for a couple more hours.

After a few more hours , the president was finally done. The immense window in his back illuminated the office that once used to help the president see the files underneath by letting entering the sunlight rays now only showed a dark and glizzy sight on the country and now his only source of light was the immense lamp on his desk. The blinds were now semi opened , allowing the president to take short looks without being seen by the citizens walking down the streets at this hour of the night. It was indeed now nighttime And sir jschlatt out a sigh of relief , stood up away from his chair , walked up to the blind shutting them off and turned his lamp before walking out of his office , closing and locking the door behind him.

Walking in the hallways , he took the staircase that led to the entrance floor where the parking lot was . hopping into. His car , he twisted his keys in the lock , started up the engine and drove away.
The president soon got to his apartment that was barely a few miles away from the president building , not worth taking the car but when you're exhausted , anything is worth it. He entered and closed the door behind him , feeling finally revealed from any work or stress. He let the fuzziness he had hold back completely cloud his mind , stretching himself once again yawning before letting himself fall into the bed . Quickly placing himself up , he started to untie his suit , removed his pants and most of the clothes to put himself into more comfortable clothes . He grabbed a comfy oversized hoodie with baggy sweatpants where he had put a diaper underneath. Jschlatt's age was always really young , mostly always in babyspace and the rare times he would be older is when he would have a really bad day , but today had beena normal day like usual, if you push away all the work and stress and he had to deal with in the meantime.

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