On A Death Bed (John Constantine)

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Summary: John finds out his girlfriend is dying

[Zari imagine will be posted later]

Super Fluffy imagine

John + crying is adorable trust me

John would do anything to save his love, part 2 if you want one

Joe West daughter imagine


John Constantine fluffy imagine

My own OC for this one because I wrote this chapter for a story I never published

Her names Hanna


Hanna's POV

This was bad...when I was a baby I was diagnosed with a sickness it kills people from the inside out. Destroying the inside of them before decaying the outside

Learning Magic only made that worse, the amount of magic that I use helping John only takes energy and time....time I have left

I never told anyone about my sickness not even barry and Iris, well Joe knew of course, but nobody else

I dont like being treated like a sick person, I'm dying either way nothing's gonna change that, so why be treated like one if there's no point. I got it luckier than most though, most people with my sickness die when there 16 years old.

I got to live and I will cherish that gift until the day I die, which might be sooner than I think

3rd person POV

"This hurts like a bitch you should
have just killed me" Chas said as John and Hanna helped him onto the hospital bed

Hanna and John laughed at Chas' outburst "Yeah and what would we say to the nurses when you wake back up? He's a zombie?!" Hanna joked as she continued to laugh with John. "I don't know. Maybe?" Chas said almost sounding serious while hanna imitated a Zombie walk from movies while the three of them laughed

Hanna started to have a pain in her head and she closed her eyes momentarily until the pain faded "you alright there love?" John asked while slowly spinning in the doctors chair

Everything suddenly froze, she knew that John had an angel, his name was Manny and John had a strong dislike for him and also threatened god because of him. But John was also frozen so it didn't make sense to her

Whats happening Hanna thought before feeling a tap on her shoulder and immediately punching whatever was behind her

"I always thought John would be the first person to punch me" Manny said unfazed by the punch "Your Manny?" Hanna asked confused, Manny didn't usally appear to her, only John and sometimes
there freind Zed.

"Yes and I am here to warn you-" He started but was interrupted. "About my sickness, well thank you for the heads up but I know I dont have long left, thank you anyway" She said shrugging off the fact that she said she would die soon

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