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Oliver observed the golden key his great aunt Betsy handed to him. The key had an interesting but basic cross shape carved into the bow of the key and was covered with a thin but noticeable layer of rust. Oliver blamed the New Orleans summer humidity for the rust.

"The Daemonium family mansion is yours if you want it, Oliver," his great aunt told him in a tone louder than what she normally used.

"Thanks," Oliver told her, looking at the golden key. "Anything I should know about the house?" His great aunt cut her eyes to his left and said;

"Nothing you wouldn't expect from a house that's 66 years old and owned by 6 Daemonium family members now. A few creeks every time the wind blows even in the slightest but you tune those out after a while." Oliver looked up at his great aunt and raised his right eyebrow.

"Are you sure? You just got the house 28 days ago, only 2 days after grandma and grandpa died." Oliver noticed a tiny drop of sweat crawl down her face.

"The stairs were too tall for my 70-year-old knees, I swear I could hear my kneecaps begging me to move out!" Oliver almost felt guilty for asking, remembering how many times his great aunt had mentioned her knees before.

"Well my 45-year-old knees won't mind the stairs at all," Oliver said with a grin.

"I thought so," Betsy said with a similar grin. She turned around and walked back to her car congratulating Oliver by saying "Enjoy the Daemonium Mansion!"

That night, Oliver was laying in the master bedroom of the mansion, half asleep and browsing his phone. He checked the time on his phone to remember what time he went to sleep. The clock read "3:14." He plugged his phone up on the miniature desk next to his bed, even though it was on 80%, placing it next to his keys. Oliver nuzzled his head on the pillow and tried to get some rest. Just as he was about to fall asleep a faint whisper-like sound made his heart jump. Oliver remembered the creeks his great aunt Betsy warned him off and breathed in slowly to calm himself down. He was thankful that this massive mansion was his and he reminded himself that a few creepy noises are a small price to pay for a house like this.

Oliver was still mildly nervous about the noise when a cold breath brushed his head. He wasn't sure where this cold air was coming from, since it was the middle of summer in Louisiana. Oliver ignored the cold air and tried to fall asleep. A faint scratching sound made his heart jump again. He calmly sat up in the bed and looked around.

A solid line in the floor caught his attention. The line, an obvious scratch mark, trailed from his bed to the door. Oliver knew scratches were normal in a house this old, but he didn't remember seeding them. As he observed the scratch, a movement on the other side of the bedroom door caught his eye. A solid mass a few small inches shorter than the ceiling shifted by so quick that he almost didn't see it.

"Hello," Oliver said, feeling childish. There were a million things it could've been, and none of them would answer him. He waited for something to happen and laughed quietly. His laugh was interrupted when a solid shape the size of a soccer ball leaned into view and jumped back out of sight. Oliver reached for his phone and tried turning it on. Even though the phone was on 80% and stilled plugged up, he couldn't get it to respond at all. He grabbed his phone anyways, along with a flashlight he put inside the desk when moving in earlier that day.

Oliver walked into the hall and noticed the scratch continuing the entire length of the hall. As he walked down the hall, he noticed that the walls were covered in scratches the same width as the one on the floor. He knew he was tired, but he wasn't sure if he was dreaming or not when strawberry-red liquid started dripping from the ceiling. Oliver figured this was a typical pipe leak and ignored it.

A quick thundering growl burst into his right ear. The booming growl caused his ear to ring as he ran back to the master bedroom. With each step, the red dripping turned into red rain. Oliver could barely see 5 feet in front of him as a hurricane of red flooded the mansion. The flashlight in his hand strobed so quickly that each red raindrop in front of him seemed to stand still. He ran towards the desk expecting to see his keys where he left them. He bent down to look under the desk trying his best to see with the blinking flashlight and red downpour.

Oliver gave up looking for his keys when a black widow the size of his head crawled along the wall from behind his bed making its way to the wall in front of him. Dozens of black widows crawling in every direction from behind the bed quickly covered the walls, each bigger than the last.

He ran out into the hall, with his stobbing flashlight and the red rain still pouring, only this time the hallway was filled with spiderwebs. Oliver ran through the continuous web shielding his face with his arms. He soon discovered that the entire interior of the mansion was filled with spiderwebs as he made his way to the front door. He slammed the front door open so hard that he knocked the door off its hinges.

"The Daemonium family mansion is yours if you want it, Abby," Oliver told his sister the next day.

"Thanks," Abby told him, looking at the golden key. "Anything I should know about the house?"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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