Prodigal Sons...

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Farron Keep Commander's quarters
late afternoon

"Reports from the West have claimed that the warring clans have started talks of uniting under one banner again." A man states sitting at a desk overlooking papers, letters and notes scattered about.

A tall, middle aged man walks into the room wearing plated armor. Scarred and dented from the long journey of battles it has been through. The man has graying hair kept short but rugged, his facial scruff has its share of white hairs as well."We've heard the rumors before and we'll continue to hear them after this false leader is done away with. The clans and legions of Drangleic enjoy fighting amongst themselves too much to care about conquering the realm."

"You remember the last time they united don't you? The man at the desk asks.

"Aye, I do. Nearly three decades ago. Apollyon was a different animal though. A wolf in a woman's body, she didn't just command respect she earned it, cleaved her way through every commander, chief and ruler in Drangleic. She commanded the Blackstone legion into one of the greatest armies ever assembled."

"And you'd remember they nearly came to lay waste to Lordran. If not for King Gwyn and Holden Cross we wouldn't be having this conversation."

"True, but do you think this new uniting force has the same will, the same drive as she did?"

"We thought nothing of Apollyon until she was nearly a stones throw away from the kingdom. It doesn't matter whether I think this new leader has the same mind, all that matters is that the rumors have enough wind behind them to reach our ears."

"Just who is this warrior who's got you quivering behind your desk Farron? I know you've given up your sword for a quill but that's no reason for a man across the continent to have you ready to run and warn the king."

"They call him Yhorm the Giant"

The man still standing tilts his head in confusion" A giant?"

"Just a very big man with a very big axe, I'm sure"

"Ahh, a raider, legendary."

"So it would seem, now Artorias, I do believe Nathan and Logan are on their way back I know you like to keep close tabs on them. I'll be sure to call for you if I need anything old friend."

"Alright Farron, I'll be on my way"

Artorias turns on his heels and leaves Farron to his business of keeping the Abyss Watchers funds and budgets in check. Lord Farron's keep may house and train every Abyss Watcher but he does not lead them. That job falls to Artorias the Abyss Walker, former knight of Lothric, the predecessor of King Gwyn. He oversees the training of every watcher in the keep and ensures they are all up to the never ending task of combating the abyss. Not only warriors with sword and shield or sword and dagger for some, but scholars to study the creatures that crawl from the abyss, and mages to support the warriors and cleanse their weapons and gear should they need it. If a watchers armor or weapon bathe in the life essence of an abyssal creature or demon for too long it will become corrupted and slowly taint its user with darkness from the abyss. Mages learn purification magic along with magic to aid a watcher whether it be binding their weapon with magic power or bolstering their physical abilities in a battle. Artorias understands the balance that is needed between knowledge, action and recovery and thus has led the Watchers for nearly 2 decades very successfully. His days are filled with less glory and danger than they used to be, but the abyss is not forgiving and its scars sometimes lie deeper than skin. Artorias approaches the courtyard in search of his favorite Watchers, Nathan and Logan Cross, 2 of the 4 Cross Siblings. Children of his dear friend Holden Cross who has been missing for almost 4 years in search of his children's mother who'd been missing for a just longer than a year prior. With still no word from his friend, about his journey or even the suddenness of his disappearance, Artorias has taken it into his own hands to ensure the Cross siblings were trained, tutored and taken care of should they need it.

Artorias POV

I wonder what's taken them so long. A hell hound infestation shouldn't have taken them more than a 4 hour excursion.

"You there have you seen the Cross Brothers?" I ask a guard stationed at the gate

"Yes Commander! They're approaching the gates right now actually."

Excellent, I think I'll see to their arrival
It's been 4 years Holden, I wonder what you'd say if you could see your boys now. I can't speak for Aidan or Alexia seeing as how they wished not to join the Watchers. As such I haven't kept as good an eye on them, but these 2 have turned into fine Abyss Watchers, 2 of our best actually. I walk toward the opening gates and see the 2 Brothers entering.

"Nathan, Logan the ankle biters a little more feisty than I remember or have you 2 lost your touch? You've been gone all day" I call out noticing the setting sun starting to dip below the keep's walls.

"Artorias, what a pleasant surprise and to what do we owe the pleasure?" Logan bows playfully.

"We had to deal with a bit of a bigger fish." Nathan interjects. "A Capra demon was using the pack as it's personal caterers, took us a while to track down." The 2 walking and meeting me in the middle of the courtyard

"Bigger fish indeed, towns folk must've had no idea what was lurking in the forest for offering so little for its removal. Anyway good job you two. Make your way to the mages for cleanup and then get some food and drink in ya" I clap both of them on the back and send them on their way

"Artorias, actually I have a question, have you heard from.... fro-"

"The man's vanished Nathan." Logan puts his hand on his Brothers shoulder. His face grimacing but then changing into a smile "I'm sure whatever he's doing has just taken him far enough that letters and messages just don't get back here like we'd like."

"You're probably right. He'll be back." Nathan reluctantly accepts his brothers optimism.

"Now let's get some food and rest! Lord knows what we'll be up against tomorrow." The two continue on their path toward the mess hall

"Take care watchers, you know where to find me!" I call to them as they wave. Holden, these 2, I wish you could see them now. I look to and out the gate toward the horizon, hoping to see my old companion cresting the hill, but I know I won't. Why must you be off searching for her, old friend. That wolf was better off with her pack anyway.


The sun sets on Farron Keep as the Watchers back from missions turn in for rest. Tomorrow they will set out on their patrols and assignments continuing their never ending fight against the Abyss and it's corruption.

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