LGBT+ Everlark

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If there was ever a situation where everlark wasn't straight I think it would go like this.
So Katniss would be gender fluid or non binary, they're tired of trying to conform into restrictive district twelve. They want to hunt like they're dad and not be the girl who hunts. When they're dad dies it becomes more real, Katniss doesn't want to be the big sister who can't help, but they didn't want to be a big brother either, why restrict themselves to that? They hated the gender restrictions within the district. Despite this Katniss didn't want they're family to receive the backlash for they're self realization so they stayed within the closet.

While this is all going on with Katniss, Peeta also has part in this. Now I don't have a backstory for him like I do for Katniss. Despite this I still have an opinion, I feel he would be omnisexual maybe pansexual. I'm leaning more to omni. I feel that he would see Katniss's inner struggle and when Katniss looses they're father he sees an opportunity. Now hear me out this isn't a ooc Katniss, they are still stubborn and against receiving charity but they are desperate and the idea of acceptance is beyond anything Katniss had imagined it excited them.

So how it would play out one day I feel Peeta would discretely confront them. Maybe sitting next to them at lunch Peeta would say
"You don't have to be Katniss the girl who hunts and cares for her family. You should be who you want, tell me who you want to be, I'll accept you." Katniss would stay silent and contemplate this before replying.

"What if I want to be Kat, the person who cares for their family." They'd say.

"Okay well Kat, it's nice to meet you." He replied. "If Kat knows what's best for them they'll me help them." He'd add on in a mumble or mutter. Peeta would include that sentence to emphasize that he accepts Kat as a they and that he is willing to help.

After this conversation they're relationship blooms and Katniss and Peeta find themselves in a relationship where they can be each other and express themselves as they are.

So this is just a opinion. No need to bash me please. If you have other ideas kindly comment! If you aren't accepting of the LGBT+ community kindly leave my page and understand that these are merely my opinions!

I'm going to post an actual everlark fanfic soon.

Love for everyone,

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