Chapter 2

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Millie was scared almost terrified, John, had just regained consciousness, here she'd broken the news to him about her sisters causing him to pass out again (Millie?) A voice sounded in her head, (your assumption of his present physical condition is correct, but all initial scans confirm his condition is stable and all functions are within tolerable levels.)

"Helen is that you?" Millie said a little startled.(Your second assumption is correct, we should be arriving within the hour, ) Helen said.

"Mommy? Who was the lady in my head?" Millie and John's daughter asked.

"That was one of the... " Millie started.

"Oh! You mean she was a Miacarian!" Millie's daughter shouted.

A little shocked Millie was about to answer her daughter when Helen once again broke into her thoughts and conversation, (Yes little one, I see that you cerebral advancement is proceeding as I predicted.)

The little toddler looked up at her Mother with a questioning look, also with a look of intense concentration on her little face. (I apologize Millie, I failed to see her mental reasoning isn't advanced far enough to comprehend everything we are saying at present.)

Damn it! Millie thought, now she knew what John meant about the headaches. With that all was silent for a few minutes, then the little toddler began to ply her Mother with a myriad of questions, questions Millie tried her best to answer. Half an hour later Millie was about to give up, as her knowledge of the Miacarians was extremely limited, when finally John's voice was heard in their heads.

(Young lady, give your Mother a rest, her knowledge of the Miacarians isn't that vast, she wasn't exposed to them as long as I was.)

"Yes Daddy, will you wake up soon? I have a lot of..." the toddler started.

John sat up holding a hand up to quiet the girl, (all nanomites, this is master control, report.)

(Master Control, all Nanomites not effected by the energy release have replicated to excess, no enemies within thirty kilometer range. All data gathered during master control's corporeal vessel malfunction now being displayed.)

John watched as the information flowed past his eyes, stopping it a few times he advised changes. Finally satisfied John finally started issuing orders. (All nanomites this is Master Control, effective immediately Double Alpha alert is canceled. All nanomites go to Alpha Normal conditions, keep all sensors at one hundred percent all alerts set to immediate notification.)

(Compliance Master control, Alpha Normal enacted as of now.) John breathed a sigh of relief. At least now, Millie could enact an emergency condition if needed. "Now you have questions?" John said looking at his daughter. For the next hour John answered every question that the toddler asked, many of the answers had Millie's eyes wide in astonishment. Astonishment that is, 'til John announced that the Miacarians needed his and possibly Millie's help again, Millie was at once was not too happy with John's decision.

John was explaining when Mitch appeared in front of them with Helen. "Salutations John and Millie," they both said when John and Millie turned toward them.

"I'm not sure if you can do this John, the agents are getting smarter and their new weapons might kill you." Millie was telling John causing both Mitch and Helen to pause.

"We have anticipated the capacity of said agents weapons, all scans and corresponding data show that they will never progress higher than John. John's learning capacity has at present increased by five, yours started to increase today." Mitch said, though Millie was still doubting half of what he'd said.

Millie and John's daughter was standing behind her mother having heard how powerful these people were.

"Ah! hello little one," Mitch started, "You have no cause for alarm, your parental genetic providers are a significant factor in the re-establishment of the Miacarian race."

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