Generation Elapse

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A/n : See, this story escalates... not as fast. But I hope you enjoy ! Sorry for updating so late. I've been... extremely lazy.


          At one of the offices of the Oracle Think Tank clan in the main palace, Marron and Viviane were scrambling around, taking papers from table to table and arranging it. Some high beasts were already forming a line. It was no more than one hour later after the announcement. The little tactician waved around, sending stack books to their respective shelves by a spell, mumbling to himself, "If they were planning to use this office, they could at least cleanup before the registration..."

Viviane giggled as she wrote down three other names.

"Jewel Knights, Hilmy, Glitmy and Scared Unicorn. Done."

"Thanks !" The two leopard cubs mewed and ran back right away.

"Have the others arrive yet ??" Marron asked.

"Yes." Viviane answered, "Gurguit and Uscias are in the next room. The others already arrived too. Why ?"

"...just that...have we recruited more beasts ??"

The player chuckled, "Relax, they're doing their jobs."

"No.. I.."

"Oh. We're done around here."

"Huh ?" Marron stopped his actions, "Only those ?"

Viviane laughed again, "I thought you said that they've become many. But don't worry, those are just the ones from here. The others will arrive soon."

"Oh.. I see."


          For those living in the other palace, in order to reach the main castle, the pathway went through a small forest.

"Come on, come on, hurry up." Flogal pushed, "the main castle is 3 hours away by paw but at this rate, we won't even be there by night." Each of them had a bag strapped at their flanks to carry some things they would need, plus armours.

They were on their way to register themselves as a team, Barcgal, Wingal and her. They didn't have to choose. It was obvious. But the problem was the blue dog...who did not want to. He deliberately slowed them down all the way not to mention he hid and ran around and ugh, Flogal could just not understand why the always-energetic winged dog be so discouraging.

Since the first time Flogal came to the Royal Paladin clan, Wingal and Barcgal, who went in the same time as her, were close. They fought under Blaster Blade's name together, push themselves up together, and never forsake each other.

The Wingal she once knew, was no more the Wingal now.

Flogal was bad with swords, actually. She knew that herself. It was the same two along with Llew, who taught her how to use it properly. Now, she always had her dagger with her and could fight anytime. But they didn't miss the fact that Flogal was great with impersonation, acting. She could easily go with the flow which earned her the name.

"Wingal !" Barcgal growled.

"Just leave me here and I'll come by myself !" the blue dog yelled, "I don't need you to take my paw and guide me."

"This is no joke anymore !" The white dog yelled back. Barcgal was one of the most kindhearted beasts and if he yelled like that, then Wingal had ticked him off alright. Flogal sighed.

"It's no joke for me either." Wingal replied, "Why can't you just let me be here ?? I'll be there before you even know it."

"Oh yea ??"

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