Not saying i love you too to them

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-"Good morning my love~"
-he sang happily while recording your sleepy face
-"hmmm good morning"
-you greeted while yawning then lean in tp kiss his cheeks
-"nice...i love you"
-he said smiling at the camera but you decided to tease him
-"thanks though"
-you said about to stand up but he pulls you back
-"i love you"
-"yeah yeah thanks"
-he look at you with a mad expression but it made you laugh
-"i was kidding,i self too"
-you sneakily said then rushed towards the bathroom while he chased you

-"i bet she doesn't love you"
-Jungwon teasingly said to Jay who grimace at him
-"of course she does"
-Jay defensively said making the members laugh at his cute reaction
- "prove it then"
-Niki playfully challenge and Jay gladly accept it as he's confident that you love him
-"Hey Y/Nnie"
-he shyly called when he saw you coming to their way but then you noticed that the members are giggling so you know that something was up
-"I love you"
-he said and from that,you figure out what the members did
-"i love my self too"
-you jokingly said then you inwardly cursed to your self when you noticed that his face dropped so you speak up
-"I'm kidding,of course i love you~"
-you said then cling on his like a koala bear making his cheeks turn red but he put a satisfied expression on his face
-"see,she loves me"

-"oh it's time for me to go"
-he mumbled then grab his things and went to you while you're doing your assignment
-"i gotta go bye~ i love you"
-he said then wait for a little for you to say it back
-"okay be careful"
-"that's it?"
-he asked frowning at you meanwhile you're mentally laughing at him
-"yep that's it,now shoo before you get late"
-you shooed him but he refuse to leave
-he firmly emphasize yet with a soft tone making you burst out of laughing
-"What's amusing you lady"
-he asks getting annoyed so you stopped laughing
-"Just go"
-"NO!i want my 'i love you too Jakey' !"
-he demanded tapping his feet impatiently
-"okay just so you can shut up...i love you too Jakey"
-"repeat it,it seems forced"
-you laugh but repeated it anyway
-"i love you too Jakey,now go and i'll see you later"
-you said soothingly making him smile

-Sunghoon has been so clinging to you lately but you aren't protesting,in fact you like the clingy side of him but you decided to tease him a little
-"Manager hyung already called me,i need to go now"
-he informed you with a hint of huff on his voice
-"it's fine,we'll see each other later,bye~"
-"okay bye~I love you~"
-he sang then hugged you and sniff your head
-"stop sniffing my head you creep,go now"
-you said teasingly
-"Whatever,Anyway...I love you~"
-he soothingly repeated but you stay loyal to your teasing to him
-"i get now go"
-"where's my i love you too?"
-he asks wryly
-"uhhh on the gravity of the earth?"
-"I want my i love you now!i hardly said those words and yet you-"
-you cut him off by pecking his lips
-"okay sowwy and i love you too~"

-"okay hyung bye~...LOVE!"
-he called out as he hang up from Heeseung
-"hmmm yeah?"
-you said all the way to the kitchen as he's on the living room
-"i have to go,Heeseung hyung called me and said that our practice has been moved this hour"
-he told you while he gather the things he needed then when he's done he speak up...
-"I'll go now,bye I LOVE YOU"
-"thanks now go you'll be late"
-you said walking towards him then you notice his sour expression
-he stare blankly at you then stomped his feet childishly
-"awww don't fuss,i'm only kiddin',i Love you too MUAH"
-you said then kissed his cheeks.He let out a satisfied smile and kiss your forehead and went out

-"I love you"
-he murmured staring at you while you stare back at him feeling sleepy
-"wow what a surprise"
-you sleepily joked making him grumble
-"answer it"
-"it's not a question dear Jungwon"
-you teased only to earn a sneer from him
-he lightly yelled making you cover his mouth immediately
-"shhhhhhhh,shut up"
-"you won't say it back,i don't say those words often and here you are ignoring it"
-he sulking-ly said turning on the other side of the bed
-you snickered and hug his waist
-"sorry,i was just playing with you..."
-"i love you too"
-you said and you felt him stirs a little
-"that's better,now go to sleep"

-"i bet she won't say it back"
-Jay teased Niki that you won't say 'i love you too' to Niki as a payback for what he did to him
-"she will because she love me"
-Niki said full of confidence
-then you walk in front of them with waffles on your plate
-"Y/Nnie ummm i love you"
-he coyly said turning on the other side
-You smile then look at Jay,he look at you and sent you a message through telepathy,lol
-"Aww thanks,i know you do"
-you played along and it made Jay laugh
-Niki snarled at the older and pout at you
-"Jay really?"
-you asked in disbelief when he throw the cold spoon on the ground
-"you're crazy,anyway Nisco i'm just kidding"
-you cleared then went to him and hug him
-"i love you too"
-you whispered making him blush

To whom do you say i love you the most?



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