The "break" is over

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-It's been 1 month since you guys had a break
-life isn't easy without you two being together but you made it and now you're with Heeseung again,watching some movies...
-"hey love"
-he called making you hum and look up to him over his chest
-"I'm sorry again for accusing you of-"
-you cut him off by placing your pointer finger on over his lips
-"let's not talk about it,it's done...but i hope it never happen again,yes?"
-he smile endearingly to you and nodded

-you murmured as soon as you enter his gloomy room
-seems like he didn't heard you...
-this time,he heard it...he look at you as if you're just a hallucination...
-"Are you real?is this real?if so just disappear,tsk...great 30 times hallucination of Y/N"
-sounds crazy but yeah,1 month and a half of not seeing each other is nuts specially when you two are so inlove
-"I'm real,i'm fucking real"
-you murmured with your tears flowing down like a free falls
-he said chuckling shyly making you chuckle shyly too
-"god,this moment is almost similar to the first time we met"
-you said then you sigh and speak up...
-"Come here you dumbass"
-he run to your open arms and embraces you endearingly

-"Can you believe it?we had a 3 weeks break from our relationship"
-you said not believing what challenge you and Jake have faced
-"i know right and i don't want that again..."
-"well that's what you get for believing on some kind of cheap rumour"
-you teased making him laugh
-how cool,you're now using that to tease him and it makes him laugh indeed
-"Oh shhhh,stop teasing me with that...i feel so stupid but can you blame me for loving you too much that i get so jealous?"
-you put up a cringe reaction making him snort
-"i know you love my sweet lovely talk,don't deny it"
-"i ain't denying it,it's just so freaking cringy stop~"

-"I'm so sorry i acted selfish,i truly understand that you can't have so much time for me but i need you,i love you and it hurts me when you don't answer my text or calls...i mean that's the only way for us to communicate when you're can atlest leave a small text or voicemail,i'm sure you can do that"
-you cried clutching his shirt
-he called you saying that,he can't take the break anymore and so do you,so now you both are having a heart to heart conversation to finally get rid of the past event
-"I'm so sorry,i'm really sorry...i don't have reasonable explanation on why i don't answer the calls or text you back but i'm gonna make it up to you...I'm sorry,i promise i will never make you feel neglected again shhhhhh stop crying"
-you just nodded and sniff his scent
-it calms you down though so what

-1 week of break seems short but for Sunoo,it's long that he almost lost his shit
-but that's over two made up and made promises that you know will be broken but it wasn't a passionate promise so it's fine
-right now you're playing with your phone and Sunoo is napping...he have his head against your chest so he's basically on top of you but you don't mind
-he whispered because he got woken up by the sound of your phone
-"oh I'm sorry,go back to sleep now"
-he smile sleepily and get back to sleep but he speak up first...
-"nap with me"
-he requested and you immediately did it,you took a nap with him

-"I can't believe you just acted nasty when i told you that i want a break"
-you sulked as soon as you both declared that the break is over
-"well that's my way saying that i don't want you-us to have a break"
-he shrug making you somehow blush
-he react when he say your cheeks redden then he playfully and tenderly slap your cheeks
-"stop that,it's disgusting on you"
-he joked making you smack his chest
-"I hate you seriously"
-he only laugh at you
-"i don't think so,anyway what do you want me to do to make it up to you?"
-you remove the sulk on your face then began to think
-" about you kiss my forehead or maybe cheeks on public?"
-he nodded then immediately lean in and kisses your forehead and cheeks earning another blush from you
-"there there little Godzilla,i kissed you now don't fuss"
-he pat your head while saying those stopped your self from wanting to murder him because you just made up with dare he call you Godzilla?!!!

-he whined when you pull his ears but not to hard though
-"no will do,this is my revenge because you walk out from me,how dare you???"
-you shook your head then you finally remove your hands on his ears
-"that hurt you little pet"
-he said rubbing his ears huffily
-you two just made up earlier after a 3 whole weeks of break,it was fine but you remembered how he walk out so you took your revenge
-"sorry not sorry"
-you said with a teasing voice earning a snicker from him
-"just come here"
-he opened his arms widely and pulled you on a bear hugggggg

Y'all i don't know how couples made up after a break so i'm sorry if this isn't that good but i know this is still good😂😭

BTW,this is requested by @JazsHargreeves,i hope this is fantastic,lol❤

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