Our Secret

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One week has passed since Cedric and Galinda came back to Hogwarts. Everyone could see that they were acting rather oddly. They were dressed in black with dark circles around their eyes. They barely ate anything. It was like all the happiness got sucked out of them. They were helpless. One thing that was good was that now they were together. They spent every minute together. The love they both carried for each other was enormous. Cedric was always there to protect Glinda. She saved his life after all.

,,Glynn can we talk?’’ Everard asked. ,,Yes, I am coming.’’ Glinda said and started slowly walking up to him. ,,You are not the same anymore Glynn. What happened? Where were you?’’ Everard asked with a concerned expression on his face. ,,Nothing happened. I am okay.. I promise…’’ It was hard for Glinda to lie to her brother. He was her best friend. But she must lie to him in order to protect him. It must be that way, even if she doesn’t want to. ,,Don’t lie to me Glynn. I am your bigger brother and I know you better that that. How is Cedric alive when everyone saw him laying on the ground. He wasn’t breathing Glynn. I checked his pulse. His heart was not beating. What did you do?’’ Everard asked. He didn’t know how to react. Should he be mad that she is lying to him or worried? What was going on…He had no idea. ,,I will tell you…Not now tho. I will tell you when I feel safe and sure. When I know that you are protected and nothing can happen to you. Okay?’’ Glinda asked. ,,Promise me Glynn, you won’t do anything stupid.’’ Everard said with a sad expression on his face. ,,I promise Ev, I promise…’’. Glinda knew what she was doing. But she couldn’t keep this secret forever. She knew that this is not going to end well.

,,Where were you?’’ Cedric asked. ,,I was talking to my brother’’ Glinda said while sitting next to him. ,,Did you tell him anything?’’ He asked. ,,No…I tried to but..I can’t.’’ Glinda said with tears forming in her eyes. ,,We will have to tell him sooner or later…Before it is too late Glynn.’’ Cedric said while pulling her closely to him. She was resting her head on his chest. He was slowly brushing her hair with his fingers. He pulled her chin up and softly kissed her on the lips. ,,You know I love you, right?’’ Cedric asked with a little smile on his face. ,,Yes I know. I love you too.’’ Glinda said. They were both happy that they were together. But next year… Cedric will have to leave. They must come up with a plan. A plan that will make Cedric stay here. They also knew that two other innocent Hogwarts students will be joining them next year, but they didn’t know who and why.

The next day Glinda and Cedric went to the great hall. It was empty. It was too early for breakfast so no one was there yet. They sat on the Hufflepuff table. Talking about their future trying to get their minds away from what could happen to both of them if they betray Voldemort. After fifteen minutes the great hall started filling up with students. Glinda went over to the Gryffindor table. This time she sat next to Harry, facing Hermione and Ron. ,,Good morning Glynn.’’ The three of them said at the same time. ,,Good morning’’ Glinda said with showing no emotion. ,,Are you okay?’’ Hermione asked bein worried for Glinda. ,,You look tired’’ Ron said. ,,Ron!’’ Hermione quickly said with an angry expression. ,,It is okay Hermione, yes I am tired I was learning all night.’’ Glinda was obviously lying. She couldn’t sleep. Every time she closed her eyes she either saw Cedric’s dead body or she felt the pain in her arm. The same pain she felt when she was taking the dark mark.

The end of the year was slowly coming. Glinda distanced herself from everyone except for Cedric. Cedric was failing his seventh year, on purpose, so he can repeat it again and be with Glinda. He couldn’t leave her alone. He knew that she wouldn’t be able to protect herself. Not because she couldn’t, she was just tired.

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