ONE | professor malfoy

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Small age gap, smut, mentions of knives.

Feeling the slighest form of attraction towards the Potions Professor was not how I imagined my years at Hogwarts to be. How could I not?
The young man Draco Malfoy, standing infront of the class, extremely tall, muscled, and those damned glasses he wore every now and then.
He was only in his early twenties, and didn't look a day older than that. He was bewitching.

I completely forbade myself to even think about him like that when I was younger, but now that I'm eighteen and a seventh year, it doesn't feel like that anymore. Potions became my favorite subject. I watched my Professor from afar, clenching my thighs together whenever I would think about his head inbetween them. My thoughts became worse whenever he would come up to my table and compliment my work, even when it sucked.

Sometimes, I felt like I wasn't alone in this. I felt like he thought about the same things. Like when his veiny hands would 'accidentally' brush against my thigh when he'd pick something from the floor that I dropped. Or when he'd kept looking deep into my eyes when he explained the purpose of a love potion. It couldn't be a coincidence.

I walked into Potions class with a tiny grin on my face this afternoon, knowing that I had a dream about my Professor the night before. A dream that I wouldn't want to forget. My stomach fluttered when I saw him standing behind his desk, his glasses on, and his pale blond hair neatly combed. He never wore robes like the other Professors, he always wore a black or white button up with the sleeves rolled up half-way, revealing his veiny arms.

I was one of the first students to arrive, along with my friend Diana. Professor Malfoy looked up almost immediately when I stepped through the door, like he sensed my presence. "Goodmorning." He greeted Diana with a nod, then turned to me, his eyes lowering to my skirt; that was a bit shorter than usual, and then looked like he supressed a smirk from growing on his face. He cleared his throat after that, and gestured for us to take a seat.

More and more students came in while the Professor wrote the Potion for today on the blackboard. I could only stare at his arms and hands while he did so, imagining what they would look like when he wrapped them around my neck. Diana however, was opening her book, not even stealing a glance at him. I wondered what was wrong with her.

How could someone not admire that piece of art?

Professor Malfoy rubbed his hands together after he was done writing, looking around the class, eager to see his students again. "Welcome, everyone", He greeted us. "Now, today we'll be brewing Amortentia, instead of learning about the uses and ingredients like we did last week." Even his voice made me clench my thighs together, wondering what he would sound like when he whispered those perfect things into my ear.

"I have already set the ingredients ready on your work desk. It's to you how you should add them and when. To know that, open your books at page forty-five", Everyone did as he said so. I looked down, making sure I was at the right page, and catched eyes with him when I looked back up. My heart started beating incredibly fast, along with my cheeks that seemed to get very hot out of the sudden.

I couldn't be the only one who felt this.

He looked away again, clearing his throat, and told us to start the Potion. I let out a huge sigh, gathering the ingredients and placing my cauldron on the fire. "Who would you smell? In the Amortentia, I mean." Diana asked me while she and I started to cut up our rose thorns. "I don't think I'd smell a specific person. Maybe just my favorite smells, books or flowers I think." I lied. Diana would call me mad if I told her I fell in love with my Potions master.

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