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Naruto knocked on the Head house of the Nara compound and waited for someone to answer the door. It's been a few days since he's been out of the hospital and Shikamaru had invited him over since he was curious about the fixation. Judging by the slow rhythmic beats of Shikamaru's heart, he was still asleep. Shikamaru may never know how comforting it was to hear his heartbeat in his cold empty apartment. It made him sleep so peacefully. He was glad that he had the chance to experience this for the rest of his life. 

The door pulled open to reveal a smiling lady who was wearing a messy apron, her hair was slightly loose in her ponytail which made bits of stray hair fall free. She was beautiful indeed. "N-Naruto!" She sputtered, surprised. Naruto gave a small wave as he felt nervousness crawl up his throat. "Shikamaru didn't tell me you were coming over." Truth be told Yoshino always wanted to meet the person who had raptured her son's attention but Shikamaru insisted that he didn't want them aware of the Nara Fixation. It made her sad that he didn't feel comfortable telling him. 

But as of recently, Shikaku made her aware of the sudden and well-received changes. Naruto was aware now and he accepted the Nara fixation. The fact that he heard her son's heartbeat now was proof of that. She was Shikaku's fixation and she loved hearing his heart no matter what he was doing. 

"Well, it's more of a surprise," Naruto revealed what was behind his back and it was a small bouquet of peonies. Her eyes widened. Did Naruto know the meanings behind the flower? Judging from the happy glint in his eyes he did have some concept of the flower.  Romance, prosperity, good fortune, happy marriage, and bashfulness. She had to somewhat admit that her son was a bit of the shy type, he just hides it under his lazy exterior. 

"I'm sure he'll love them, come inside I was just plating breakfast," She stepped aside to welcome inside and Naruto carefully took off his shoes and looked around slightly. It was just what he was expecting, a homey feels wafted around him and he was drawn back to his cold apartment but he shook it off. 

'Deal with the cards you are dealt with.' Naruto chided himself with the small swell of jealousy he felt. 'You'll have this feeling when you're older, with Shikamaru.' That made him more comfortable as he stepped deeper inside the home. "Do you need help with anything, I'm not the greatest cook but I get by."

"Would you dear? Shikaku and Shikamaru are both tuckered out from last night of playing shogi for so long," Yoshino chuckled as she remembered them nodding off at the board. Naruto smiled as he set the flowers down on the kitchen table to follow her into the kitchen. "Alright let's see if you can handle a bit of batch cooking."

Shikamaru didn't wake up until midday. He didn't have any missions so it wasn't like he needed to get up and face the world. Plus, he had his favorite heartbeat in his ear so he knew the most important person was well and okay. He made note of another extra chakra downstairs but when he finally got downstairs, he was stunned to see his fixation seated at the dining table chatting to his parents. On Naruto's lap was a small bouquet of flowers, he would've assumed they were for his mother but they were in his lap which meant they were intended for someone else. 

"Shikamaru catch!" Naruto yelled out suddenly as he threw something. Shinobi instincts kicked in and he caught whatever was thrown. He blushed slightly when he held the bouquet of flowers. "You were right, he is a bit shy." 

Shikamaru huffed trying to look like he was bothered but he knew he was blushing. Naruto smiled and beckoned for him to come to sit down. Shikamaru sighed and sat in the chair beside him. "Sleep well?" Naruto asked as he turned all his attention to him. Shikaku and Yoshino were surprised by the amount of tenderness in Naruto's eyes directed at Shikamaru. 

"Yeah, your heartbeat is soothing," Shikamaru mumbled as he leaned forward to rest on Naruto's shoulders. It seemed just having him close was enough to bring him to complete relaxation. Naruto smiled and brought his hand around Shikamaru to secure him. As Shikamaru fell back asleep he turned back to the discussion he was having with his parents. 

"Alright, I think he's drifted again." 

Shikaku cleared his throat and continued from earlier. "As I was saying, no one knows how this was manifest but many of the elders suspect it was from the earlier Naras dealing in seals that brought on an added bonus. Our shadows are said to be a reflection of our true intentions had we not been pacified by rules and societal norms. As such, the trail after us waiting for an opportune moment to strike while we are conflicted with situations that involve our fixation." 

"I've never seen my shadow in that perspective before," Naruto mumbled as he thought over the new addition of information. 

"Many don't and also a tidbit, we Nara say our shadow techniques are for the delay in battle. Couldn't be further from the truth, its true form is for assassination.  Only the Hokage and a few trusted sources are privy to this knowledge we have imparted onto you as such I would hope you become the Hokage in the future," Shikaku smiled at Naruto who gave a brilliant smile. 

"Don't worry I will, after all, it's my life's dream. Well, Shikamaru is important too so I have to bring him along for the ride." 

"Alright, moving along we'll be telling about what happens in the event that Nara loses their fixation. Now let me state this from now, this is in no way to force you to stay cordial with my son or accept the feelings he's trying to make obvious.," Shikaku warned before Naruto could protest. 

"Naruto trust me it's good to hear the warning because for a long time I sometimes forced myself to digest this side of the Nara clan in order not to be the reason Shikaku was driven insane. Part of the fixation is the acceptance the Nara receives from us, should we reject Shikamaru and Shikaku it would be seen as a sign of them not being enough for us. It's a heavy burden but one you should be made aware of," Yoshino said with a small smile. "Besides I can see that no matter what you hear you're planning on staying beside Shikamaru."

"Nothing is going to steer me away from Shikamaru, he's already had to deal with me from we were children. I'm not letting him do this on his own anymore," Naruto was determined and this was something he wanted for himself.  "So, tell me what happens,"

"Our founder, Shikayari Nara fixed on a deer amongst the ones we had so long ago to this day. That deer's heartbeat soothed her after coming in from the wars monthly. However, a shift in the battlefield brought the war to the doorstep of the Leaf of the time and they used our forest to try and perform an infiltration. They slaughtered her deer amongst the others they crossed paths with and the minute that deer's heart stopped Shikayari snapped. In a fit of bloodlust her shadow overan her consciousness and she went on a slaughter spree. After murdering her husband and youngest child she destroyed the ones who trespassed on the clan grounds before finding her deer and slicing her own throat open," Naruto covered his mouth to suppress the tears and possible sobs that might spill if he so much as moved.

"This was the first and last of a Nara losing their fixation, after this other of the clan were scared to let their own fixation out of their sight. Younger ones didn't want to bond with anyone or any animal. Some even tried fixating on inanimate objects but that never worked, at least not the way the bond was intended to," Shikaku finished as he brought his wife closer, Yoshino scoffed and rolled her eyes at the tenderness. 

"I understand, I could never allow myself to be so reckless with Shikamaru's sanity," He locked eyes with both parents. "You'll never have to worry about your son succumbing to his shadows, I promise that."

"Thank you, Naruto," Yoshino said gratefully as she leaned over the table to kiss his forehead. To Naruto it was being christened into the family. From one fixation to the other we bear the burden of keeping our loved ones sane.

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