Part 16 : Car Conversations

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Last time on 'My Darling Little Angels'
"Hey girlie." She turned around, instantly going into a defensive hunch. There was a boy there, she couldn't see his face. It was covered by his hood. She softened a bit. He was a kid just like her. Maybe six years older or so. Only adults were bad people. He was a kid, so he was good. "Don't worry, I won't kill you, we're just gonna have some fun is all." He put a piece of cloth up to her mouth, and then her entire, painful world, went black.

Monday October 9th
Lucy POV
It's been about a month since that afternoon at the mansion. We all left after Gray called messaged the group chat saying that Juvia had gotten a bug and he'd taken her home. I felt bad for Juvia but I've been avoiding her since... well... since she found out.

   Since they started dating, Mavis has been spending a lot of time at the cafe, which is nice because she's read a lot of books that I thought only I knew of. Other then us talking and a bit of help around the cafe, Mavis has really just been spending a lot of time with Zeref. They're all lovey dovey, like newlyweds. Such a cute couple.

   Speaking of couples, Jellal and Erza officially announced that they've been dating. Everyone was surprised but I though it was obvious. The way that they look at each other... it's like the other is the only thing in the world.

I've... been fine. It's nice that we're the only class on our floor, I don't really like being in big crowds, too much contact. Plus there's no guys asking me to the dance, Levy's been telling me I should go to it though, even if I just go with our friends. It'd be hard to anyway because of Stella and Kai.

Natsu's been helpful with them. He's not as annoying as I thought he was. He's been driving me to get Stella and Kai from Chelia, and watching them while I do homework. I think Kai likes him too, he seems to be good with kids. Stella on the other hand... well, she's never been one to trust easily. Natsu says he thinks she's warming up to him though.

The only problem I have with him is that he keeps on giving me money. His parents pay him for doing repairs on the cafe and things like that. He says he doesn't need the money but even if believed that I wouldn't be able to take it. It feels wrong. He's even tried hiding money in my wallet and other places so I think it's mine!

Right now everyone's doing their slideshows for Professor Guildarts' class. I already did mine, which Natsu threw a fit at, saying he's not that stupid and he'll never do anything nice for me again. A certain bluenette bookworm friend of mine's slideshow pulled me out of my thoughts.

   "Three reasons why you should go to the school dance this Thursday! You know who you are." I did know who she was talking about, and her small glare at me made it even more obvious. "Reason number one!" She clicked to the next slide. "We're teenagers! High school is the time we're supposed to live life without the fear of consequences. Do stupid stuff that almost kills us, hang out with friends, fall in love, and throw a glass of spiked punch on someone's face at a party!"

   "Shrimp you watch too many romcoms."

"Shut up Gajeel." She snapped. "And it's books too." She added. "Reason number two!" The slide changed again. "You only live once! Don't you want to have good high school memories? Sure it's just one dance but one dance can true into one year of missed dances, which can turn into missing homecoming, graduation, prom!" She said prom really dramatically, as if missing it would mean certain death.

"Reason number three." She clicked to the next slide, but it was blank. "Reason number three is I don't need one because the previous two are good enough reasons." She huffed and crossed her arms. "But if that isn't enough then not going to the dance could mean the someone's best friend is gonna be sad." I loved Levy-Chan but she really was cruel sometimes. I did want to go to that dance. And I definitely didn't want to upset or offend her by not going. I sighed as I put my elbows on the table and rested my head in my head.

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