Part 18 : Leave me alone Gray-Sama!!

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Last time on 'My Darling Little Angels'
The rest of the night was a blur. My mind had been cleared. Well, not cleared but emptied. My cousin and I ate dinner without a word and I did my normally nightly routine.

   I don't think I was conscious for any of it. Not until I awoke the next day.

Tuesday October 10th
Gray POV
'Fuck, it's Tuesday.' That was the first genuine thought I had this morning. I stayed over at Flame head's place, not in his room though, we kinda... broke his bed last night...

Wait no, that sounded so wrong. We were fighting, as bros do, and I body slammed Natsu onto his bed and it broke. Lucky for him. If he had broken his bed his mom would've broken his bones. Yikes.

"Natsu, I'm taking your car to pick up Mavis since mines in the shop!" Natsu's head snapped out of the bathroom to see Zeref walking out the door. "WHAT THE HELL ZEREF!! GET BACK HERE YOU ASSHOLE!!" He stormed out of his bathroom and straight out of the front door.

"Good morning Gray Onii-Chan." Wendy walked to the table, where I was sitting eating a feast of a breakfast made by Natsu's mom. "Morning Wendy." I greeted.

"Man, I hate my brothers, it's like 7:30 in the morning. They don't have to be so loud." Before sitting down she picked up her cat, Carla, and set her on her lap.

"Yeah, they annoy the hell outta me too." I grabbed a piece of toast and covered it in honey then stood up to leave. "Where're you going?" Wendy asked. "Oh, I'm going over to my girlfriends house to give her breakfast." She gave me a blank stare and cocked an eyebrow at me, like some sort of judge on those competition shows she watches.

"You're giving her that?" Food competition show then. "What? She likes honey on everything lately, don't ask me." She shook her head at me. "Gray-Kun..., that's literally just the Goodwill version of French Toast. Which, by the way, we have right here." she gestured to one of the plates from our feast breakfast.

"That's what that is?!" Wendy facepalmed. "I thought it was just cinnamon toast church in bred form with less... sugar." Wendy started at me like I was stupid. "Are you stupid or something? Think about what you just said."

I thought about it for a minute before it hit me. "I'm fucking stupid aren't I?" I replied, looking up to her. "Yes. 100%. Yes, you are." I looked down at my honey toast. "Shit... I don't want my master piece to go to waste..." I thought about what I should do for a second. "Fuck it, Juvia'll like it anyway. At least she can appreciate my awesome cooking skills." I started walking to the door.

"Oh well, I tried. Bye Oni-Chan!" She called as I started walking out the door. "Bye Wen!" I called back. Than I started walking to Juvia's.

Juvia POV
Well this morning's been just great. First, my alarm goes off too early. Then, I can't fall back asleep. After that, morning sickness. At this point I should just call in sick. The only thing that could make this day worse is if Gray came.

Ding dong

   Shit. I jinxed myself didn't I? Maybe I can just pretend that... I already left... no, Gray'll never believe that. He knows I'm not that quick in the mornings.

   Meredy walked in front of the bathroom, seeing my head over the toilet. "Juvia..." she started to come to me but I stoped her.

   "Can you get the door? If it's Gray tell him Juvia's sick and she doesn't want to see anyone." she paused for a moment, then went up to get the door. "Oh, hey Meredy-San. Where's Juvia?" 'Please don't throw up, please don't throw up, please don't throw up' "Sorry Gray-San, she doesn't want to see anyone right now, she's kinda si-" I heard something light fall followed by footsteps running towards where I was. "No Gray-Sama, Juvia's fine, rea-"

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