Part 22 : Literally Just Nalu Fluff

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A/n : Can I get some feedback on the chapter lengths? Are they too long, too short, a good length? I just don't want to over or under do it so please tell me what you guys think.
Also you can start playing the music whenever you want to. I just suddenly thought about this song and thought it would be a good match for this chapter.

Last time on 'My Darling Little Angels'
I raised my eyebrow at her and we both sat down on the couch to talk food science. "Tell me more. I'm intrigued." She looked at me weirdly. "I have no idea what the word means but okay. And let me say, putting butter where the water goes does not turn out well. It was Mother's Day when I was five, Kai was two..."

Tuesday October 10th
Lucy POV
"So your brother took your car?" He groaned. "Yes and I swear on his grave he'll pay for it!" My eyebrows scrunched up. "But Zeref's alive." "Not for long." I laughed and he smiled at me.

"So what do you wanna do today?" He asked me after I had stopped laughing. "Well um... I don't really know? I did need to get some shopping
done-" his hand went over my mouth. "This if your off day. Let me ask you again, what do you want to do today?" He slowly took his hand away from my face.

What did I want to do today? "I don't know, it's been ages since I could really go out and do anything." He thought for a moment. "Well... what do you like?" What do I like. I felt a bit of blood rush up to my head. This seems to happen a lot when I'm around Natsu, I get so confused and I can't think straight.

"Well um... I like the stars. They're not out this time of day though, as you probably know." He seemed to get an idea instantly but thought a moment before he said anything. "Well I know a place actually but... you're gonna have to close your eyes and trust me okay. It's kind of a secret, and one that isn't mine to tell for that matter." I was skeptical but intrigued.

   "Okay then. Lead the way." His face lit up, he looked like a little kid, it was kind of cute. He grabbed my hand and started leading me to god knows where. "I'll let you know when you can open your eyes okay." He looked back at me. "Got it!" I piped back.

We walked for awhile, I think Natsu lead me into about 5 lights and a tiny tree. Then we went somewhere and it seemed darker and kind of damp so I opened my eyes, walking side by side with Natsu.

"Is this where you were planning on taking me?" He looked over to me with doe eyes, probably surprised that mine weren't still closed then he scoffed. "Of course not. I'm not that bad. This is just sort of like... a secret passageway. Once we get out of here you'll have to close your eyes again. Don't worry, I won't let you walk into anything again though." He smiled at me and squeezed my hand.

I instinctively pulled my hand to my chest and his smile disappeared. "I'm sorry." I broke eye contact with him, his eyes had turned sad too. "No it's fine, I just didn't realize..." I trailed off.

We were both quite for about 30 seconds after that. "Thank you, and I'm sorry. I don't say that to you enough." I said breaking the silence. He looked over at me with his brow raised. "For what? You don't have anything to thank me or apologize for?"

"Of course I do! You've been so helpful and understanding! My life would've been so much harder without you! I can't believe I used to think so lowly of you." He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you kidding?! I'm surprised you don't hate me! I was kind of an asshole to you last year." He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.

I let out a small laugh. "I won't deny it. Though I was pretty cold to you." He scoffed. "Yeah, I should've been calling you an ice queen instead of Gray." I gasped dramatically. "Did I just hear you refer to Gray by his actual name?!" I faint blush appeared on his cheeks and he turned away from me. "N-no. Of course not!" I smiled at him. It was fun teasing him like this.

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