1. Get him

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"FUCK! GET THAT BASTARD BACK HERE! THE BOSS WILL BE HERE SOON, WE CANT HAVE A RAT RUNNING AROUND THE PLACE!" A big man in a Hawaiian shirt was screaming around at the guards.

My loud pants masked my footsteps that got louder with the second. I tried to hold my breath. To keep as silent as possible. My heart was racing so fast, I was scared it would fall out.

Could they hear my heart beating. Do they know where I am? I just have to get out of here.

I slowly poked my head out of my hiding spot. I could barely see the big men in black suits running around and talking into their ear pieces. They turned the corner and when they were finally out of sight. I breathed out in relief. They haven't found me.

I took one last look and made a run for it. I ran to the high walls, planning to climb over them. Just when I had barely reached them, a man in black jumped in front of me.

"HE'S HERE!" He shouted. And threw himself at me. I dodged as quick as I could and nimbly made my way through his open legs. I ran towards the opposite direction, knowing I could never climb that wall in time. A second later I heard the click of the safety lock on his gun. He was planning to shoot. Luckily a voice shouted.


But at the same time a loud bang resounded. I could feel the bullet fly past me. Scraping my jacket. He missed. The thrill of it left my back cold. My face went pale but I didn't stop running.

I saw the big dark front gates slowly open in the distance. I ran across the stone wall in hope I could make it in time to get trough.

"Fuck, get him!" People were shouting all over the place. I was panicking, but excited. The rush. The fear of getting caught, knowing i could die at any given moment.

I was so close to the gates. I just needed to turn. I dodged a guard that sprung in front of me and turned towards the gate. And just as I thought I was finally free, a black Mercedes came driving through the gates.

My eyes went wide and I jumped on instinct to prevent any major damage. But I was still hit by the car. I bounced off the front of the car, leaving a big dent.

"Ughhh!" My bag pack flew away, scattering the narcotics, the men in black were after, al over the ground. I groaned in pain. Holding my right arm.

The car stopped in front of me. I tried to stand up, but unfortunately the men in black had already surrounded me. Quickly pointing their guns at my face.


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