Chapter 1

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"Katie, get in here," my mom yells to me.
"What is it?" I ask my mom on the way into the living room.
I walk into the living room and see my mom and dad standing there.
"Katie, you'll no longer be living in Virginia," my mom says.
"Huh?" I reply.
"We're moving to Florida," my dad shouts.
"Did you have to shout?"
"Yes, I'm kind of excited."
"Why are we moving to Florida?" I ask my parents.
"Because your father got a new job. We are moving in a week or so," my mom says.
"You'll be starting the new school year there."
"Really, Dad?"
"Yes, we're moving to Orlando. You'll be going to Orlando High."
"Senior year in Orlando, Florida. I don't know."
"You will be fine."
"Thanks, mom. Does Jase know about this?"
"Yep. He is totally excited. He says he's gonna find him a beach babe."
Jase is my younger brother. He is seventeen and a junior. I just turned eighteen a few weeks ago. Jase has brown hair and brownish-green eyes. He is 5'9 and a muscular dork. I'm just kidding, but he is somewhat muscular and I love to call him a dork.
Me, I have blonde hair and dull blue eyes and I am 5'6.
"Yeah, I'm gonna find me a smoking hot beach babe. She's gonna be sexy. Sexy as He..."
"Jase Phillip Austin," my parents shout.
"Her inner self. Sexy as her inner self."
"Nice try, Jase. We all know what you were really going to say," my mom tells him.
"You need to watch that mouth of yours before something spills out of it," Dad tells Jase.
"What's going to spill out of it; vomit, spit, blood, or something else?"
"Jase, that's not even funny. That's just being perverted."
"Well, Dad, it could be true for anyone."
"We didn't need to know that," mom informs him.
"So you're excited for the move?" I ask Jase.
"I guess I could be once I get there. Although, I will not know anyone."
"Meet new people, KD," Jase tells me.
"We'll see."
"I'm going to go start packing," Jase says and heads off to his room to begin packing.
"That's where you should be headed too," my mom says to me.
"Alright, I'll get packing."
I am off to my room to begin packing my things. I don't really have any friends to say bye to. Maybe in Florida, I will make some. I guess we shall see when I get there.
Oh, and Jase calls me KD because my name is Katie Daniella Amethyst Austin. My brother is Jase Phillip Austin.

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