thirteen - the letter

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Josie had been acting weird lately. Josie had pegged it on finals, but Hope had a sneaking suspicion it had nothing to do with finals. But she shrugged it off. She wasn't in the position to question Josie, not after she'd been so cool about the whole relationship lie thing.

Hope shook off her worries and put her arm around Josie. They were walking to class.

"It's so crazy. I never expected my first relationship to be the one, you know?" Hope sighed, happy. Josie looked at her, giving her a weird look, then changed her expression before Hope could notice. "I know." Josie laughed, but something about it wasn't right.

Hope titled her head again, but like earlier, she shook it off. Hope turned to look at Josie, and was surprised by the look of panic on her face. But she blinked, and it was gone. She must have not been getting enough sleep lately and was seeing things.

They went through the day as normal, although sometimes Josie would act strange.

Like when she saw Rafael sitting alone, eating lunch alone, like he always did. Josie had stuttered for a second, then seemed to recompose herself. This went on for the rest of the day.

Later, they were sitting on Hope's bed, Josie kicking her feet in the air. "You've been acting really weird lately. Are you ok? Babe?"

Josie looked up, a flash of panic going across her face. "Uh yeah, I'm fine. Just didn't get enough sleep." Josie looked down, and Hope tried to brush it off. But something just wasn't right.

Later, Hope was doing her homework late in the night. She was sitting at her desk, Josie fast asleep on her bed. Hope looked at her peaceful face and smiled. She decided she was done with this mind numbing homework, and tried to get up from her desk, accidentally bumping a box with her foot.

Hope didn't remember that box being there. Intrigued, she knelt down next to the box and opened it.

Hope picked up a photo of her and a boy with dark, curly hair. He was smiling at the camera, and she was kissing his cheek. Stunned, Hope set it aside, and continued looking through the box.

She looked through dozens more of similar photos, until she came to a letter.

Dear Hope Andrea Mikaelson,

I really wish I didn't have to do this, but everything just isn't working. I love you. I love how you always wear those moon earrings, always put your hair up in a bun when it's a bad day, and when you leave it down when things are slightly better than yesterday.

I love how you do everything you do with love and purpose, even if no one else sees it. I know you'll find love again, if you ever loved me. But it's time for us to go on separate paths. I love you.

And I'm sorry.

Love, Landon Kirby

Hope startled. She had no memory of this boy, but he was very obviously talking to her. She looked at Josie from the corner of her eye. She didn't know who this boy was, or what Josie had to do with it, but she knew one thing for sure.

She had to find out who Landon Kirby was.

Author's note: WE HIT 1k READS! Oh my gosh, I love you guys so much. I never expected this book to even have a bit of success. I am truly thankful.
I'm also sorry for not updating lately. You may see I've updated the chapter updates to Tuesdays + Fridays. I've been dealing with a lot, and I think it will be better for everyone :) thank you again, I LOVE YOU!

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