sixteen - the fairytale

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I screamed at the top of my lungs. "THAT IS SOMETHING I NEVER WANTED TO SEE!" MG struggled to get his shirt over his head, and Alyssa sat down on the bed, looking almost irritated.

Alyssa picked at her nails. "Oh, please. Stop acting like we can't hear you two through the walls." Josie blushed bright red. "Well that's different-" But Hope elbowed her.

"We need your help." Hope crossed her arms. Alyssa laughed without humor. "Fat chance." Hope sighed. "Alyssa, please. Please. We really need it." Alyssa's face contorted into something vicious. "Fine. But you need to do me a favor in return. And no, you may not know what it is."

Hope squared her shoulders, about to resist, but then she seemed to remember the importance of what she was doing.  "Alright."

Alyssa slipped her shirt over her head, and walked out the door. "Aren't you coming?" Hope and Josie scurried after her.


Alyssa had given them everything they needed, and then left. "Probably to go do that again." Hope snickered. Josie scrunched her nose. "Ew." Hope sighed. "Yeah...let's just not talk about that." Josie nodded in agreement, trying to forget it even happened.

They performed the spell, hand in hand. Nothing happened, and neither of them felt a pull, like Alyssa had said they would.

"Did she give us the wrong spell?" Josie wondered. Hope shook her head.

"I don't think so. Let's try it again." They clasped their hands together again, and performed the spell. This time, they both seemed to feel a pull. But before one of them could tell the other, they collapsed on the floor, dark magic working it's way through their veins.

They woke up around two hours later.

"Whoa...what happened?" Hope breathed as she looked around at all the colorful trees that looked like they belonged in a fairytale. Hope realized she had been here before, when she had to rescue Josie from the dark magic threatening to overtake her.

"I can't be in here." Josie had backed up into a tree. Hope reached for her, but Josie pulled away.

"Don't you get it? I'm dangerous! You have no idea what I could do." Josie yelled at Hope.

Hope's face softened, not even caring Josie had yelled at her. Hope took Josie in her arms.

"I'm not afraid." Hope kissed Josie's head. "But if you really want to go back, we can."

Josie wanted to. But she also needed to be strong for Hope. So she lifted her chin, and marched forward.

Hope smiled, and followed her lead. For worse or for better, at least they would be together. Hope walked next to Josie, taking Josie's hand in hers. Josie looked at her, grateful.

Together, they marched forward to save the boy they both hated.

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