Chapter 1

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but for now I will try to be motivated everyday to write the chapter 1- 26, and chapter 1-26 will be publish at the same time.

Is what I said In about how many months ago I can't count But... Because I need to release this stress of still not having any of my chapters publish don't get me wrong I am rewriting  but my account got locked and I just now have to pull an all night for this one

Chapter two will release tomorrow or two more days later I have not decided but before that thank you for waiting it took me a long time to get my account back

(Ps : Please do tell me some grammar mistakes and misspelled mistakes :) 


nobody's pov

Because of their tireless efforts in rescuing power spheras and the innumerable life-or-death missions, adventures, and other challenges, Boboiboy and his companions can now finally take a break from their jobs in tapops.

It was a quiet environment, and they were quietly gazing at the cold, dark galaxy. The galaxy was beautiful because of the stars that illuminated its dark interior, but they were familiar to the view.

Their impatience increased as they approached their destination since it became evident that the planet was shaped like a circle with waters surrounding the continents.

"It seems like we're getting close,"

yaya muttered

"That is correct my child of justice were are getting close to planet earth"papa zola exclaimed steering the spaceship

The five individuals were now growing quite eager to see their relatives who were waiting for them.

remarked Papa Zola: "We are about to arrive on earth; get ready. My justice-loving child"

The five individuals were now growing quite eager to see their relatives who were waiting for them.

Engine noises can be heard as the grass began to move. As soon as they discover the source of the noise, the families of Boboiboy and his buddies surround the spacecraft that has successfully landed.

when they landed smokes started to appear making the relatives of boboiboy and his friends not being able to see anything

the sound of the doors opening can be heard and the smoked clearing up and in those smokes there was boboiboy and his friends

As Boboiboy ran to his grandpa immediately giving him a warm hug which tok aba accepted hugged him back

"how's tapops?" tok aba asked 

They were currently in Tok Aba's store. Due to the establishment being closed for the day, it was not crowded, but the grandpa was now preparing hot chocolate for his grandson who was seated in a chair.

"it's fine, how about Earth?" Boboiboy uttered

Tok aba said after preparing hot chocolate for his grandchild, "It's working beautifully.

Boboiboy stated as he sipped the hot chocolate, "I'm glad.

Two were conversing about their lives' events when they failed to notice that it was getting late and requiring them to return home.

they were walking home with ochobot a power sphera with the power of telerportation.

They eventually arrived at their home, which was a typical home with walls and a roof, and two neighbors house stood to their left and right.

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