Tour Part Two- Austin Mahone Imagine

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I woke up to a rough shake, and then cold substance falling on my sweats.

I gasped, and saw that my drink had spilled. It was night time, and Austin and I had been flying for over 4 hours.

"Austin." I whispered, trying not to awaken anyone else.

He didn't wake. I stepped over him, and walked to the lavatory.

A woman walked out, with her baby, as I walked in. I heard another loud band, and a shake.

I finished washing my hands, and walked out to see what it was...

"Oh...No." I spoke to myself.

Air bags hung, and people were freaking out.

"Please stay fastened in your seats, and remain clam. We are having a few issues with the weather. No worries, you'll all be safe home in no time. Over and Out." The captain spoke over the intercom.

I soon saw Austin looking all over for me.

"There she is." Alex pointed over to me.

Austin ran towards me, and hugged me.

"I thought you fell out!" He whisper yelled.

"No, I tried to wake you. But you didn't budge."

"What happened to your pants?" He asked.

"I spilled my water on them."

"Clutz." He winked, and smirked.

"Nehhh." I mocked.

About two hours later we landed. And walked off with; Robert and Lia, Alex and Sarah, Zach and Courtney.

I crawled out of my "tour bus bed" and met Austin eating lasagna in the kitchen. I looked at the time and saw that it was six in the morning.

"Really Austin?" I asked, in a whisper tone.

"Really (Y/n)?" He mocked.

I just shook my head, and headed out the bus door. We were parked at the arena Austin was singing at, and there were screaming fans EVERYWHERE. Surrounding our bus, I felt loved, but scared Ill die if I walk out into the crowd.

"AYE B-DOG!!!" I yelled.

"Yeaa?" B-Dog walked over to me. He's our security man.

"I needa get out to my luggage, but the fans are blocking the door."

He grabbed his dispatcher and called out some more men. In about a half an hour, the men put a huge gate so that we could walk out. It was electric shock... But the men had to stand there all the time.

I grabbed Austin and I's bag, and took it to the arena. I set up his room, and made sure every thing was neat and tidy.

After an Hour of picking his outfit out, and picking out mine too. Austin FINALLY showed up. With EVERYONE else, and they all made a mess... :(

I just sat down on the couch, and waited for Austin to get dressed.

"Hey babe, whats wrong?" Austin put his arm around me.

"Nothing. But your on in 30 seconds. I'd head off to stage." I just acted like nothing mattered.

"Alright. But tonight we are snuggling." He winked as he headed off to the stage.

I huffed, and got up to see Austin sing.

"No! I just stood there! Watching as everyone made a mess, and watching you do nothing of it!" I told Austin.

"Wait. I thought you said nothing was wrong!" He questioned.

"Do you not know when I say nothing, it means that something is wrong?" I asked, looking down.

"I thought you were telling the truth. I trust you baby." He looked me in the eye.

"I trust you too. But I thought you knew me better." I just kept staring at the floor.

"I do know you! Babe we have been dating for over 6 years! I just may have been concentrated on my preformance..." He knew what he said was bad, but it was too late. "I-I mean-"

"Oh nooo.... I get that you needed to concentrate on your preformance." I got my phone and walked out the door. Leaving Austin behind.

"(Y/n)!... Wait." Austin grabbed your hand. "I can't, nor have been able to do any of this without you." He had the smallest tear in his eye...

Oh god. I have never EVER seen him cry. Not now, and not ever. Only when Mema died. Sometimes his stress from work got to him, but only anger was what went throuhg his mind. On the other hand. I made this stray tear... I made AUSTIN cry... All that ran though my head was "I.MADE.AUSTIN.CRY."

"Babe? Are you okay?" Austin waved his hand infront of me.

"Yeah. I am fine. I just saw the tear in your eye, and i thought of how horrible a person, and, and, how-" He cut me off.

"You aren't a horrible person, (Y/n). We will cry through out all of this. And we are doing this together. Okay?" He held both my hands.

"I-I understand." I hugged him, and i smelt his Calvin Klein calogne.

"OH WOW YOU SMELL GOOD. DID YOU EVEN SHOWER?" I asked, smelling his shirt.

"Only you would know. You gave me this cologne, on my 15th birthday. I still use it to this day." He smiled.

"And I still have those shriveled up roses you gave me." I smiled goofily.

"I love you." We stood, me 7 inches shorter, his hands cuppoing my cheeks, and me holding his hands, while he leaned in...

And.... He kissed me, ever so passinately...

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