Chapter 7

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I stumbled a bit before straightening back up. I was in a dark office with no windows and only a few lamps in the corners. The minimal light cast strange shadows over the bookcases that lined the wall and the sparse furniture that consisted of two uncomfortable chairs before a heavy desk with a large chair in which a man sat, his elbows set down on the desk. Papers were neatly stacked in piles on the desk with an assortment of quills gathered together in a tall cup with a small inkbottle to the side.

The man behind the desk was shrouded in the numerous shadows but I could tell that his eyes were assessing my every move. I just stood there, staring back until I became so uncomfortable, I started to fidget and broke eye contact to look down at my hands.

"Well? Are you going to leave your demon outside?" His voice came out gruff and critical, jerking me into motion. I reopened both doors where I didn't even notice closed behind me without Khagan. He sent reassuring feelings through our bond and I immediately felt more confident with him by my side. The headmaster gestured for me to take a seat in front of the desk. I sat down and noted that the chair was just as uncomfortable as it looked. Khagan laid down behind me, appearing disinterested but I could tell he was attentive to us. The headmaster had no inclination to speak further, making it seem as if the shadows were pressing down on my shoulders.

This man sitting in front of me had the power near equal to the second in command to the king, Roland Shadowmere. I had overheard Zach boasting to Avery how strong and powerful their headmaster was. He used to be the first in command for the battlemages, completely ruthless but effective. He could change my life for the better or the worst my mind can come up with and even then probably worse. And right now I had no idea which he was intending to do.

"Mirabelle, correct?" He stated more than asked. I gave a slight, almost unnoticeable nod of my head. "Tell me the entire story," Mr. Shadowmere demanded, his eyes warning me not to leave a single detail out. I began with the reason I came to the Academy all the way up to the point that I came in his office, omitting the embarrassing conversation I had with Zach and his friends. I still blushed a bit, remembering my ignorance and how mortified I still am about commandeering the Prince's room. I didn't even know which Prince he was, the first or the second.

I suddenly realized that I had finished talking and was awkwardly staring off into space. I was half glad and half embarrassed that he was just analyzing me instead of talking, which I was certain I would have missed.

"You understand this is not normal for someone to survive the toxic atmosphere with no consequences?" I gave an affirmative noise. "Then you will understand that you must stay at this academy." Mr. Shadowmere stated rather than asked permission. I knew the reasons behind this order but that doesn't mean I was happy about it. A frown appeared on my face but immediately vanished when I saw his expression, which would tolerate no arguing. Besides, I had always admired battlemages and had wished to meet one, let alone become one. After recounting the events during my stay in the ether world, I remembered Khagan's words just before we left the oasis.

"Could... could I possibly go back? To the ether world...?" I tentatively asked. Mr. Shadowmere gave me a sharp look before considering my request.

"No. You are unique and an important asset that I cannot risk going into danger so ill-prepared." He dashed my hopes with one sentence, my shoulders slumping. "But, that is only if you are ill-prepared." I looked at him in confusion, not understanding what he was getting at. "There is a mid-term exam for all students in two weeks. If you are able to make it into the top five, I will allow you a short excursion back into the ether world." My spirits were raised with this hope. Even though everyone will already know much more than me, you can never know until you try.

"Thank you!" I was so excited; I nearly ran over and gave him a hug, until I realized he wasn't quite the fuzzy emotional type.

"Have one of the students show you your room and your classes. You are dismissed," he said abruptly. I leapt up from my chair and almost ran out the door, Khagan following. I burst out of the doors and startled a dozing Zach who had been leaning on the opposite wall.

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