Chapter 2

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I am not going into detail about what happened. I liked Zach, really liked him. But then so did Avery. Let's just say that certain circumstances made it impossible for me to compete against Avery and I started avoiding Zach. Which led to our fight that was entirely my fault seeing as I did not want to reveal my feelings. End of story.

Coming back from my reverie, I pulled on the reins till Cyrus was going at a slow trot. He was breathing pretty hard; I hadn't noticed how far we had gone. After stopping for lunch, I headed back at a leisurely pace, arriving back at the orphanage around evening. Avery was waiting on the back steps of the kitchen. I hopped off Cyrus and grabbed his reins as she slowly made her way closer. She was wearing a plain blue dress with a white apron tied securely around her waist and her dirty blonde hair tied in a bun at the nape of her neck, probably from helping out with the dinner preparations. Her sightless grey eyes stared in my general direction.

"Did you have a nice ride?" she asked, making sure to stay a distance away from the horse, her being allergic and all.

"Yeah, he is one of the nicest horses I've ever seen!" I noticed she had a fist-sized, translucent, familiar looking crystal in her hands.

"Well you will be riding him more often, since you have to take Zach's scrying stone to him," Avery stated bluntly with an apologetic look. I groaned internally as the information sank in. I wanted to bash my head on the stonewall that was the orphanage. I remember overhearing Zach showing Avery and the headmaster his scrying stone, saying how it was given to him from the Academy and that they were rare and expensive. The Academy probably wouldn't give him another.

"And I personally have to take it to him? We can't send it to him, or have someone else deliver it?" I already knew the answer to that.

"Of course, it is too important to send in the mail and the orphanage still doesn't have that kind of money even with Zach's help." I sighed dramatically, consoling myself with the idea that I would just catch up to him on the road and make the exchange as quick as possible.

"Fine. When do I leave?"

"First thing tomorrow. And you can take the new saddle that was included with Cyrus." I nodded my understanding and started walking Cyrus back towards the stables but was stopped when Avery spoke up again.

"You know, you should really give him a chance. It's been a year and I know you don't want to be mad at him. Deep down there, you know that you cannot truly hate him." I lowered my head slightly and took a deep breath, closing my eyes.

"I know."


Avery was fussing about me, double, triple checking that I had packed everything, my money pouch was safely tucked in my belt, the scrying stone rapped in thick cloth secured in the bottom of my bag. I was decked in my travel clothes, leather riding breeches, long-sleeved shirt tucked into my belt with a leather jacket. My hair was tightly braided to the side and my riding boots tied snug. I sighed, starting to lose patience with Avery after she re-braided my hair for the fourth time.

"I have been outside the orphanage before."

"But you've never gone so far on your own!"

"I'm a big girl, I can take care of myself," I turned towards her to see that she was looking down at her hands.

"I know," she whispered, "but I'm still worried. I have this feeling, like you won't be coming back." I placed my hands on her shoulders and she looked up into my eyes.

"Don't worry. I promise I'll come back," she smiled slightly and I stepped back. "Ok I think it's time I headed out. The sooner I leave, the sooner I'll come back." We walked down to the outside together. Cyrus was all shiny and tacked up with the saddlebags tied in the back.

Turning around, Avery slipped a black cloak around my shoulders and tied it in the front. The headmaster was standing on the stone steps of the orphanage. He was an older gentleman, pepper grey hair, stern green eyes, and a sharp nose. He had both laughter and frown lines creasing his skin around his eyes and mouth. The headmaster gave me a nod of farewell and I turned back to Cyrus.

"Have a safe trip," Avery said as I mounted him.

"See you soon," she waved as I steered Cyrus around and trotted off towards Corcillum. Towards Zach.


I had been riding the entire day, passing through town small towns before approaching the town walls of Gerent as dusk was falling. Cyrus and I walked around for a bit before stopping an inn, the Sleeping Lion. The stable boy came out and took Cyrus back around to the stables to the right of the inn. I set my shoulders back as I pushed the heavy oak doors open, knowing I had to appear confident. It'll make me less of a target for swindlers if I look like I know what I'm doing. I brushed my hand over the stealth of the hunting knife at my side, which was more for show than anything. The inn was brimming with boisterous people. The serving girls wove in and out of the tables and chairs, dodging arms and legs strewn about, all while carrying ale and steaming food that looked heavenly.

I approached the bar in the back were a heavy set man with a little extra around the gut was wiping down the counter and serving the men sitting before him. He looked up at me indifferently.

"What can I do for ya?" He asked, continuing to wipe the counter.

"I would like a room and a meal please," I replied while holding out a few silver and copper coins. He grunted, taking my money and replacing it with a key. "Also, I wanted to know if a boy around this height," I gestured Zach's general height, "with brown hair and eyes came through."

"Yeah, 'bout a day or so ago. You go sit down over there and one of the girls'll get you somethin' to eat," he pointed over at the tables. I complied and started the struggle of getting to the only empty table left in the room. It was a busy room and I was glad when I finally finished my meal so I could head up to my room where it was quieter. Riding the entire day made my whole body ache but I contented myself, knowing I wasn't far behind Zach. I reached my room and opened the wooden door with the key I had gotten.

It was a small room with just a single bed on one wall and a water basin with a mirror on the other. And the wall directly across from me had a small window. I set down my bag by the bed and opened the window, which protested at first. I leaned out, resting on my forearms as I looked up at the night sky. It took me a few moments before I realized I couldn't see the stars or the moon. There was also a damp feel to the air. I knew that it was going to rain and would be a pain to ride through. I hoped that it would rain over night so I could keep on my way. It would take around three to four days from here to reach Corcillum but hopefully only another day before I caught up to Zach. I turned away, shutting the window as I did right as the rain started to fall.

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